Package org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent

Interface Summary

Class Summary
ConcurrentIdentityHashMap<K,V> An alternative identity-comparing ConcurrentMap which is similar to ConcurrentHashMap.
ConcurrentSafeArray<T> A concurrent version of SafeArray.
CopyOnWriteMap<K,V> Provides the semantics of a thread safe copy on write map.
DynamicThreadPoolExecutor An ExecutorService that executes each submitted task using one of possibly several pooled threads, normally configured using DynamicExecutors factory methods.
DynamicThreadPoolExecutor.DynamicQueue<E> Much like a SynchronousQueue which acts as a rendezvous channel.
DynamicThreadPoolExecutor.ForceQueuePolicy A handler for rejected tasks that adds the specified element to this queue, waiting if necessary for space to become available.
DynamicThreadPoolExecutor.TimedBlockingPolicy A handler for rejected tasks that inserts the specified element into this queue, waiting if necessary up to the specified wait time for space to become available.
ThreadBarrier A synchronization aid that allows a set of threads to all wait for each other to reach a common barrier point.
ThreadBarrier.BarrierTimer A Barrier action to be used in conjunction with ThreadBarrier to measure performance between barrier awaits.
TransferThreadPoolExecutor A thread pool based on TransferQueue.

Exception Summary

Annotation Types Summary
Immutable Immutable

The class to which this annotation is applied is immutable.

NotThreadSafe NotThreadSafe

The class to which this annotation is applied is not thread-safe.

ThreadSafe ThreadSafe

The class to which this annotation is applied is thread-safe.