Class Matchers

  extended by org.elasticsearch.common.inject.matcher.Matchers

public class Matchers
extends java.lang.Object

Matcher implementations. Supports matching classes and methods.

Method Summary
static Matcher<java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement> annotatedWith(java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation)
          Returns a matcher which matches elements (methods, classes, etc.) with a given annotation.
static Matcher<java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement> annotatedWith(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> annotationType)
          Returns a matcher which matches elements (methods, classes, etc.) with a given annotation.
static Matcher<java.lang.Object> any()
          Returns a matcher which matches any input.
static Matcher<java.lang.Object> identicalTo(java.lang.Object value)
          Returns a matcher which matches only the given object.
static Matcher<java.lang.Class> inPackage(java.lang.Package targetPackage)
          Returns a matcher which matches classes in the given package.
static Matcher<java.lang.Class> inSubpackage(java.lang.String targetPackageName)
          Returns a matcher which matches classes in the given package and its subpackages.
<T> Matcher<T>
not(Matcher<? super T> p)
          Inverts the given matcher.
static Matcher<java.lang.Object> only(java.lang.Object value)
          Returns a matcher which matches objects equal to the given object.
static Matcher<java.lang.reflect.Method> returns(Matcher<? super java.lang.Class<?>> returnType)
          Returns a matcher which matches methods with matching return types.
static Matcher<java.lang.Class> subclassesOf(java.lang.Class<?> superclass)
          Returns a matcher which matches subclasses of the given type (as well as the given type).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Matcher<java.lang.Object> any()
Returns a matcher which matches any input.


public static <T> Matcher<T> not(Matcher<? super T> p)
Inverts the given matcher.


public static Matcher<java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement> annotatedWith(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> annotationType)
Returns a matcher which matches elements (methods, classes, etc.) with a given annotation.


public static Matcher<java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement> annotatedWith(java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation)
Returns a matcher which matches elements (methods, classes, etc.) with a given annotation.


public static Matcher<java.lang.Class> subclassesOf(java.lang.Class<?> superclass)
Returns a matcher which matches subclasses of the given type (as well as the given type).


public static Matcher<java.lang.Object> only(java.lang.Object value)
Returns a matcher which matches objects equal to the given object.


public static Matcher<java.lang.Object> identicalTo(java.lang.Object value)
Returns a matcher which matches only the given object.


public static Matcher<java.lang.Class> inPackage(java.lang.Package targetPackage)
Returns a matcher which matches classes in the given package. Packages are specific to their classloader, so classes with the same package name may not have the same package at runtime.


public static Matcher<java.lang.Class> inSubpackage(java.lang.String targetPackageName)
Returns a matcher which matches classes in the given package and its subpackages. Unlike inPackage(), this matches classes from any classloader.



public static Matcher<java.lang.reflect.Method> returns(Matcher<? super java.lang.Class<?>> returnType)
Returns a matcher which matches methods with matching return types.