Interface Node

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Node

A node represent a node within a cluster ( The client() can be used in order to use a Client to perform actions/operations against the cluster.

In order to create a node, the NodeBuilder can be used. When done with it, make sure to call close() on it.

Method Summary
 Client client()
          A client that can be used to execute actions (operations) against the cluster.
 void close()
          Closes the node (and stop()s if its running).
 boolean isClosed()
          Returns true if the node is closed.
 Settings settings()
          The settings that were used to create the node.
 Node start()
          Start the node.
 Node stop()
          Stops the node.

Method Detail


Settings settings()
The settings that were used to create the node.


Client client()
A client that can be used to execute actions (operations) against the cluster.


Node start()
Start the node. If the node is already started, this method is no-op.


Node stop()
Stops the node. If the node is already stopped, this method is no-op.


void close()
Closes the node (and stop()s if its running).


boolean isClosed()
Returns true if the node is closed.