Package org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal

Guice (sounds like like "juice")


Interface Summary
ErrorHandler Handles errors in the Injector.
InternalFactory<T> Creates objects which will be injected.

Class Summary
AbstractBindingBuilder<T> Bind a value or constant.
Annotations Annotation utilities.
BindingBuilder<T> Bind a non-constant key.
BytecodeGen Utility methods for runtime code generation and class loading.
Classes Class utilities.
ConstantBindingBuilderImpl<T> Bind a constant.
ConstructionContext<T> Context of a dependency construction.
Errors A collection of error messages.
ExposureBuilder<T> For private binder's expose() method.
FailableCache<K,V> Lazily creates (and caches) values for keys.
InternalContext Internal context.
Join Utility for joining pieces of text separated by a delimiter.
MoreTypes Static methods for working with types that we aren't publishing in the public Types API.
MoreTypes.MemberImpl We cannot serialize the built-in Java member classes, which prevents us from using Members in our exception types.
MoreTypes.WildcardTypeImpl The WildcardType interface supports multiple upper bounds and multiple lower bounds.
Nullability Whether a member supports null values injected.
Objects Helper functions that can operate on any Object.
ProviderMethod<T> A provider that invokes a method and returns its result.
ProviderMethodsModule Creates bindings to methods annotated with @Provides.
Scoping References a scope, either directly (as a scope instance), or indirectly (as a scope annotation).
SourceProvider Provides access to the calling line of code.
StackTraceElements Creates stack trace elements for members.
Stopwatch Enables simple performance monitoring.
Strings String utilities.
ToStringBuilder Helps with toString() methods.
UnmodifiableIterator<E> An iterator that does not support UnmodifiableIterator.remove().

Enum Summary
BytecodeGen.Visibility The required visibility of a user's class from a Guice-generated class.

Exception Summary
AsynchronousComputationException Wraps an exception that occured during a computation in a different thread.
ComputationException Wraps an exception that occured during a computation.
ErrorsException Indicates that a result could not be returned while preparing or resolving a binding.
Join.JoinException Exception thrown in response to an IOException from the supplied Appendable.

Annotation Types Summary
Nullable The presence of this annotation on a method parameter indicates that null is an acceptable value for that parameter.

Package org.elasticsearch.common.inject.internal Description

Guice (sounds like like "juice")