Interface Timeout

public interface Timeout

A handle associated with a TimerTask that is returned by a Timer.

Method Summary
 void cancel()
          Cancels the TimerTask associated with this handle.
 TimerTask getTask()
          Returns the TimerTask which is associated with this handle.
 Timer getTimer()
          Returns the Timer that created this handle.
 boolean isCancelled()
          Returns true if and only if the TimerTask associated with this handle has been cancelled.
 boolean isExpired()
          Returns true if and only if the TimerTask associated with this handle has been expired.

Method Detail


Timer getTimer()
Returns the Timer that created this handle.


TimerTask getTask()
Returns the TimerTask which is associated with this handle.


boolean isExpired()
Returns true if and only if the TimerTask associated with this handle has been expired.


boolean isCancelled()
Returns true if and only if the TimerTask associated with this handle has been cancelled.


void cancel()
Cancels the TimerTask associated with this handle. It the task has been executed or cancelled already, it will return with no side effect.