Class QueryStringQueryBuilder

  extended by org.elasticsearch.index.query.BaseQueryBuilder
      extended by org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryStringQueryBuilder
All Implemented Interfaces:
ToXContent, QueryBuilder

public class QueryStringQueryBuilder
extends BaseQueryBuilder

A query that parses a query string and runs it. There are two modes that this operates. The first, when no field is added (using field(String), will run the query once and non prefixed fields will use the defaultField(String) set. The second, when one or more fields are added (using field(String)), will run the parsed query against the provided fields, and combine them either using DisMax or a plain boolean query (see useDisMax(boolean)).

Nested Class Summary
static class QueryStringQueryBuilder.Operator
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent
ToXContent.MapParams, ToXContent.Params
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.ToXContent
Constructor Summary
QueryStringQueryBuilder(java.lang.String queryString)
Method Summary
 QueryStringQueryBuilder allowLeadingWildcard(boolean allowLeadingWildcard)
          Should leading wildcards be allowed or not.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder analyzer(java.lang.String analyzer)
          The optional analyzer used to analyze the query string.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder analyzeWildcard(boolean analyzeWildcard)
          Set to true to enable analysis on wildcard and prefix queries.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder autoGeneratePhraseQueries(boolean autoGeneratePhraseQueries)
          Set to true if phrase queries will be automatically generated when the analyzer returns more than one term from whitespace delimited text.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder boost(float boost)
          Sets the boost for this query.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder defaultField(java.lang.String defaultField)
          The default field to run against when no prefix field is specified.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder defaultOperator(QueryStringQueryBuilder.Operator defaultOperator)
          Sets the boolean operator of the query parser used to parse the query string.
protected  void doXContent(XContentBuilder builder, ToXContent.Params params)
 QueryStringQueryBuilder enablePositionIncrements(boolean enablePositionIncrements)
          Set to true to enable position increments in result query.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder field(java.lang.String field)
          Adds a field to run the query string against.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder field(java.lang.String field, float boost)
          Adds a field to run the query string against with a specific boost.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder fuzzyMinSim(float fuzzyMinSim)
          Set the minimum similarity for fuzzy queries.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder fuzzyPrefixLength(int fuzzyPrefixLength)
          Set the minimum similarity for fuzzy queries.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder lowercaseExpandedTerms(boolean lowercaseExpandedTerms)
          Whether terms of wildcard, prefix, fuzzy and range queries are to be automatically lower-cased or not.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder phraseSlop(int phraseSlop)
          Sets the default slop for phrases.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder rewrite(java.lang.String rewrite)
 QueryStringQueryBuilder tieBreaker(float tieBreaker)
          When more than one field is used with the query string, and combined queries are using dis max, control the tie breaker for it.
 QueryStringQueryBuilder useDisMax(boolean useDisMax)
          When more than one field is used with the query string, should queries be combined using dis max, or boolean query.
Methods inherited from class org.elasticsearch.index.query.BaseQueryBuilder
buildAsBytes, buildAsBytes, buildAsUnsafeBytes, buildAsUnsafeBytes, toString, toXContent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QueryStringQueryBuilder(java.lang.String queryString)
Method Detail


public QueryStringQueryBuilder defaultField(java.lang.String defaultField)
The default field to run against when no prefix field is specified. Only relevant when not explicitly adding fields the query string will run against.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder field(java.lang.String field)
Adds a field to run the query string against.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder field(java.lang.String field,
                                     float boost)
Adds a field to run the query string against with a specific boost.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder useDisMax(boolean useDisMax)
When more than one field is used with the query string, should queries be combined using dis max, or boolean query. Defaults to dis max (true).


public QueryStringQueryBuilder tieBreaker(float tieBreaker)
When more than one field is used with the query string, and combined queries are using dis max, control the tie breaker for it.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder defaultOperator(QueryStringQueryBuilder.Operator defaultOperator)
Sets the boolean operator of the query parser used to parse the query string.

In default mode (FieldQueryBuilder.Operator.OR) terms without any modifiers are considered optional: for example capital of Hungary is equal to capital OR of OR Hungary.

In FieldQueryBuilder.Operator.AND mode terms are considered to be in conjunction: the above mentioned query is parsed as capital AND of AND Hungary


public QueryStringQueryBuilder analyzer(java.lang.String analyzer)
The optional analyzer used to analyze the query string. Note, if a field has search analyzer defined for it, then it will be used automatically. Defaults to the smart search analyzer.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder autoGeneratePhraseQueries(boolean autoGeneratePhraseQueries)
Set to true if phrase queries will be automatically generated when the analyzer returns more than one term from whitespace delimited text. NOTE: this behavior may not be suitable for all languages.

Set to false if phrase queries should only be generated when surrounded by double quotes.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder allowLeadingWildcard(boolean allowLeadingWildcard)
Should leading wildcards be allowed or not. Defaults to true.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder lowercaseExpandedTerms(boolean lowercaseExpandedTerms)
Whether terms of wildcard, prefix, fuzzy and range queries are to be automatically lower-cased or not. Default is true.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder enablePositionIncrements(boolean enablePositionIncrements)
Set to true to enable position increments in result query. Defaults to true.

When set, result phrase and multi-phrase queries will be aware of position increments. Useful when e.g. a StopFilter increases the position increment of the token that follows an omitted token.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder fuzzyMinSim(float fuzzyMinSim)
Set the minimum similarity for fuzzy queries. Default is 0.5f.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder fuzzyPrefixLength(int fuzzyPrefixLength)
Set the minimum similarity for fuzzy queries. Default is 0.5f.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder phraseSlop(int phraseSlop)
Sets the default slop for phrases. If zero, then exact phrase matches are required. Default value is zero.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder analyzeWildcard(boolean analyzeWildcard)
Set to true to enable analysis on wildcard and prefix queries.


public QueryStringQueryBuilder rewrite(java.lang.String rewrite)


public QueryStringQueryBuilder boost(float boost)
Sets the boost for this query. Documents matching this query will (in addition to the normal weightings) have their score multiplied by the boost provided.


protected void doXContent(XContentBuilder builder,
                          ToXContent.Params params)
Specified by:
doXContent in class BaseQueryBuilder