Class GatewaySnapshotRequest

  extended by
      extended by org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.gateway.snapshot.GatewaySnapshotRequest
All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionRequest, Streamable

public class GatewaySnapshotRequest
extends BroadcastOperationRequest

Gateway snapshot allows to explicitly perform a snapshot through the gateway of one or more indices (backup them). By default, each index gateway periodically snapshot changes, though it can be disabled and be controlled completely through this API. Best created using Requests.gatewaySnapshotRequest(String...).

See Also:
Requests.gatewaySnapshotRequest(String...), IndicesAdminClient.gatewaySnapshot(GatewaySnapshotRequest), GatewaySnapshotResponse

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
GatewaySnapshotRequest(java.lang.String... indices)
          Constructs a new gateway snapshot against one or more indices.
Method Summary
 GatewaySnapshotRequest listenerThreaded(boolean threadedListener)
          Should the listener be called on a separate thread if needed.
Methods inherited from class
beforeLocalFork, beforeStart, indices, indices, listenerThreaded, operationThreading, operationThreading, operationThreading, readFrom, validate, writeTo
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GatewaySnapshotRequest(java.lang.String... indices)
Constructs a new gateway snapshot against one or more indices. No indices means the gateway snapshot will be executed against all indices.

Method Detail


public GatewaySnapshotRequest listenerThreaded(boolean threadedListener)
Should the listener be called on a separate thread if needed.

Specified by:
listenerThreaded in interface ActionRequest
listenerThreaded in class BroadcastOperationRequest