Interface ShardsRoutingStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ShardsRoutingStrategy

Method Summary
 RoutingTable applyFailedShards(ClusterState clusterState, java.lang.Iterable<? extends ShardRouting> failedShardEntries)
          Applies the failed shards.
 RoutingTable applyStartedShards(ClusterState clusterState, java.lang.Iterable<? extends ShardRouting> startedShardEntries)
          Applies the started shards.
 RoutingTable reroute(ClusterState clusterState)
          Reroutes the routing table based on the live nodes.

Method Detail


RoutingTable applyStartedShards(ClusterState clusterState,
                                java.lang.Iterable<? extends ShardRouting> startedShardEntries)
Applies the started shards. Note, shards can be called several times within this method.

If the same instance of the routing table is returned, then no change has been made.


RoutingTable applyFailedShards(ClusterState clusterState,
                               java.lang.Iterable<? extends ShardRouting> failedShardEntries)
Applies the failed shards. Note, shards can be called several times within this method.

If the same instance of the routing table is returned, then no change has been made.


RoutingTable reroute(ClusterState clusterState)
Reroutes the routing table based on the live nodes.

If the same instance of the routing table is returned, then no change has been made.