Interface ActionListener<Response>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void onFailure​(java.lang.Exception e)
      A failure caused by an exception at some phase of the task.
      static <Response> void onFailure​(java.lang.Iterable<ActionListener<Response>> listeners, java.lang.Exception failure)
      Notifies every given listener with the failure passed to onFailure(Exception).
      static <Response> void onResponse​(java.lang.Iterable<ActionListener<Response>> listeners, Response response)
      Notifies every given listener with the response passed to onResponse(Object).
      void onResponse​(Response response)
      Handle action response.
      static <Response> java.util.function.BiConsumer<Response,​java.lang.Exception> toBiConsumer​(ActionListener<Response> listener)
      Converts a listener to a BiConsumer for compatibility with the CompletableFuture api.
      static <Response> ActionListener<Response> wrap​(java.lang.Runnable runnable)
      Creates a listener that listens for a response (or failure) and executes the corresponding runnable when the response (or failure) is received.
      static <Response> ActionListener<Response> wrap​(CheckedConsumer<Response,​? extends java.lang.Exception> onResponse, java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Exception> onFailure)
      Creates a listener that listens for a response (or failure) and executes the corresponding consumer when the response (or failure) is received.
    • Method Detail

      • onResponse

        void onResponse​(Response response)
        Handle action response. This response may constitute a failure or a success but it is up to the listener to make that decision.
      • onFailure

        void onFailure​(java.lang.Exception e)
        A failure caused by an exception at some phase of the task.
      • wrap

        static <Response> ActionListener<Response> wrap​(CheckedConsumer<Response,​? extends java.lang.Exception> onResponse,
                                                        java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Exception> onFailure)
        Creates a listener that listens for a response (or failure) and executes the corresponding consumer when the response (or failure) is received.
        Type Parameters:
        Response - the type of the response
        onResponse - the checked consumer of the response, when the listener receives one
        onFailure - the consumer of the failure, when the listener receives one
        a listener that listens for responses and invokes the consumer when received
      • wrap

        static <Response> ActionListener<Response> wrap​(java.lang.Runnable runnable)
        Creates a listener that listens for a response (or failure) and executes the corresponding runnable when the response (or failure) is received.
        Type Parameters:
        Response - the type of the response
        runnable - the runnable that will be called in event of success or failure
        a listener that listens for responses and invokes the runnable when received
      • toBiConsumer

        static <Response> java.util.function.BiConsumer<Response,​java.lang.Exception> toBiConsumer​(ActionListener<Response> listener)
        Converts a listener to a BiConsumer for compatibility with the CompletableFuture api.
        Type Parameters:
        Response - the type of the response
        listener - that will be wrapped
        a bi consumer that will complete the wrapped listener
      • onResponse

        static <Response> void onResponse​(java.lang.Iterable<ActionListener<Response>> listeners,
                                          Response response)
        Notifies every given listener with the response passed to onResponse(Object). If a listener itself throws an exception the exception is forwarded to onFailure(Exception). If in turn onFailure(Exception) fails all remaining listeners will be processed and the caught exception will be re-thrown.
      • onFailure

        static <Response> void onFailure​(java.lang.Iterable<ActionListener<Response>> listeners,
                                         java.lang.Exception failure)
        Notifies every given listener with the failure passed to onFailure(Exception). If a listener itself throws an exception all remaining listeners will be processed and the caught exception will be re-thrown.