Class UpdateRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • UpdateRequest

        public UpdateRequest()
      • UpdateRequest

        public UpdateRequest​(java.lang.String index,
                             java.lang.String type,
                             java.lang.String id)
    • Method Detail

      • id

        public UpdateRequest id​(java.lang.String id)
        Sets the id of the indexed document.
      • routing

        public UpdateRequest routing​(java.lang.String routing)
        Controls the shard routing of the request. Using this value to hash the shard and not the id.
        Specified by:
        routing in interface DocWriteRequest<UpdateRequest>
        the Request
      • routing

        public java.lang.String routing()
        Controls the shard routing of the request. Using this value to hash the shard and not the id.
        Specified by:
        routing in interface DocWriteRequest<UpdateRequest>
        the Routing
      • getShardId

        public ShardId getShardId()
      • script

        public Script script()
      • script

        public UpdateRequest script​(Script script)
        The script to execute. Note, make sure not to send different script each times and instead use script params if possible with the same (automatically compiled) script.
      • scriptString

        public java.lang.String scriptString()
        Use script() instead
      • scriptType

        public ScriptType scriptType()
        Use script() instead
      • scriptParams

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> scriptParams()
        Use script() instead
      • script

        public UpdateRequest script​(java.lang.String script,
                                    ScriptType scriptType)
        Use script(Script) instead
        The script to execute. Note, make sure not to send different script each times and instead use script params if possible with the same (automatically compiled) script.
      • script

        public UpdateRequest script​(java.lang.String script)
        Use script(Script) instead
        The script to execute. Note, make sure not to send different script each times and instead use script params if possible with the same (automatically compiled) script.
      • scriptLang

        public UpdateRequest scriptLang​(java.lang.String scriptLang)
        Use script(Script) instead
        The language of the script to execute.
      • scriptLang

        public java.lang.String scriptLang()
        Use script() instead
      • addScriptParam

        public UpdateRequest addScriptParam​(java.lang.String name,
                                            java.lang.Object value)
        Use script(Script) instead
        Add a script parameter.
      • scriptParams

        public UpdateRequest scriptParams​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> scriptParams)
        Use script(Script) instead
        Sets the script parameters to use with the script.
      • script

        public UpdateRequest script​(java.lang.String script,
                                    ScriptType scriptType,
                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> scriptParams)
        Use script(Script) instead
        The script to execute. Note, make sure not to send different script each times and instead use script params if possible with the same (automatically compiled) script.
      • script

        public UpdateRequest script​(java.lang.String script,
                                    java.lang.String scriptLang,
                                    ScriptType scriptType,
                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> scriptParams)
        Use script(Script) instead
        The script to execute. Note, make sure not to send different script each times and instead use script params if possible with the same (automatically compiled) script.
        script - The script to execute
        scriptLang - The script language
        scriptType - The script type
        scriptParams - The script parameters
      • fetchSource

        public UpdateRequest fetchSource​(@Nullable
                                         java.lang.String include,
                                         java.lang.String exclude)
        Indicate that _source should be returned with every hit, with an "include" and/or "exclude" set which can include simple wildcard elements.
        include - An optional include (optionally wildcarded) pattern to filter the returned _source
        exclude - An optional exclude (optionally wildcarded) pattern to filter the returned _source
      • fetchSource

        public UpdateRequest fetchSource​(@Nullable
                                         java.lang.String[] includes,
                                         java.lang.String[] excludes)
        Indicate that _source should be returned, with an "include" and/or "exclude" set which can include simple wildcard elements.
        includes - An optional list of include (optionally wildcarded) pattern to filter the returned _source
        excludes - An optional list of exclude (optionally wildcarded) pattern to filter the returned _source
      • fetchSource

        public UpdateRequest fetchSource​(boolean fetchSource)
        Indicates whether the response should contain the updated _source.
      • retryOnConflict

        public UpdateRequest retryOnConflict​(int retryOnConflict)
        Sets the number of retries of a version conflict occurs because the document was updated between getting it and updating it. Defaults to 0.
      • retryOnConflict

        public int retryOnConflict()
      • doc

        public UpdateRequest doc​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> source)
        Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
      • doc

        public UpdateRequest doc​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> source,
                                 XContentType contentType)
        Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
      • doc

        public UpdateRequest doc​(java.lang.String source,
                                 XContentType xContentType)
        Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
      • doc

        public UpdateRequest doc​(byte[] source,
                                 XContentType xContentType)
        Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
      • doc

        public UpdateRequest doc​(byte[] source,
                                 int offset,
                                 int length,
                                 XContentType xContentType)
        Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified.
      • doc

        public UpdateRequest doc​(java.lang.Object... source)
        Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified, the doc provided is a field and value pairs.
      • doc

        public UpdateRequest doc​(XContentType xContentType,
                                 java.lang.Object... source)
        Sets the doc to use for updates when a script is not specified, the doc provided is a field and value pairs.
      • upsert

        public UpdateRequest upsert​(XContentBuilder source)
        Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.
      • upsert

        public UpdateRequest upsert​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> source)
        Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.
      • upsert

        public UpdateRequest upsert​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> source,
                                    XContentType contentType)
        Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.
      • upsert

        public UpdateRequest upsert​(java.lang.String source,
                                    XContentType xContentType)
        Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.
      • upsert

        public UpdateRequest upsert​(byte[] source,
                                    XContentType xContentType)
        Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.
      • upsert

        public UpdateRequest upsert​(byte[] source,
                                    int offset,
                                    int length,
                                    XContentType xContentType)
        Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists.
      • upsert

        public UpdateRequest upsert​(java.lang.Object... source)
        Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. The doc includes field and value pairs.
      • upsert

        public UpdateRequest upsert​(XContentType xContentType,
                                    java.lang.Object... source)
        Sets the doc source of the update request to be used when the document does not exists. The doc includes field and value pairs.
      • detectNoop

        public UpdateRequest detectNoop​(boolean detectNoop)
        Should this update attempt to detect if it is a noop? Defaults to true.
        this for chaining
      • detectNoop

        public boolean detectNoop()
        Should this update attempt to detect if it is a noop? Defaults to true.
      • docAsUpsert

        public boolean docAsUpsert()
      • docAsUpsert

        public UpdateRequest docAsUpsert​(boolean shouldUpsertDoc)
      • scriptedUpsert

        public boolean scriptedUpsert()
      • scriptedUpsert

        public UpdateRequest scriptedUpsert​(boolean scriptedUpsert)
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object