Interface IndicesRequest.RemoteClusterShardRequest

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnalyzeAction.Request, ExplainRequest, GetFieldMappingsIndexRequest, GetRequest, MultiGetShardRequest, MultiTermVectorsShardRequest, RetentionLeaseActions.AddRequest, RetentionLeaseActions.RemoveRequest, RetentionLeaseActions.RenewRequest, SingleShardRequest, TermVectorsRequest
Enclosing interface:

public static interface IndicesRequest.RemoteClusterShardRequest extends IndicesRequest
This subtype of request is for requests which may travel to remote clusters. These requests may need to provide additional information to the system on top of the indices the action relates to in order to be handled correctly in all cases.
  • Method Details

    • shards

      Collection<ShardId> shards()
      Returns the shards this action is targeting directly, which may not obviously align with the indices returned by indices(). This is mostly used by requests which fan out to a number of shards for the those fan-out requests. A default is intentionally not provided for this method. It is critical that this method be implemented correctly for all remote cluster requests,