Class BulkProcessor2

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class BulkProcessor2 extends Object implements Closeable
A bulk processor is a thread safe bulk processing class, allowing to easily set when to "flush" a new bulk request (either based on number of actions, based on the size, or time), and to easily control the number of concurrent bulk requests allowed to be executed in parallel.

In order to create a new bulk processor, use the BulkProcessor2.Builder.

  • Method Details

    • builder

      consumer - The consumer that is called to fulfil bulk operations. This consumer _must_ operate either very fast or asynchronously.
      listener - The BulkProcessor2 listener that gets called on bulk events
      threadPool - The threadpool used to schedule the flush task for this bulk processor, if flushInterval is not null.
      the builder for BulkProcessor2
    • awaitClose

      public boolean awaitClose(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException
      Closes the processor. Any remaining bulk actions are flushed if they can be flushed in the given time.

      Waits for up to the specified timeout for all bulk requests to complete then returns

      timeout - The maximum time to wait for the bulk requests to complete
      unit - The time unit of the timeout argument
      True if the bulk processor was able to be closed in the given time, false otherwise
      InterruptedException - If the current thread is interrupted
    • close

      public void close()
      This method flushes any requests, prevents any future retries, closes this processor, and returns once any pending requests complete.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
    • add

      Adds an IndexRequest to the list of actions to execute. Follows the same behavior of IndexRequest (for example, if no id is provided, one will be generated, or usage of the create flag).
      EsRejectedExecutionException - if adding the approximate size in bytes of the request to totalBytesInFlight would exceed maxBytesInFlight
    • addWithBackpressure

      public BulkProcessor2 addWithBackpressure(IndexRequest request, Supplier<Boolean> shouldAbort) throws EsRejectedExecutionException
      This method is similar to add(), except that if adding the approximate size in bytes of the request to totalBytesInFlight would exceed maxBytesInFlight then this method will block until the request can be added without exceeding maxBytesInFlight (or until shouldAbort returns false). This method should be used carefully, ideally from a single thread. This is because calling it with multiple threads would either hang up all the threads in the pool (in the case of a bounded thread pool) or effectively create an unbounded queue (in the case of an unbounded thread pool).
      request - The request to add to a batch to be consumed
      shouldAbort - If this returns true then this method bails out with an EsRejectedExecutionException
      this BulkProcessor2
      EsRejectedExecutionException - if shouldAbort returns true before the request has been added to a batch
    • add

      Adds an DeleteRequest to the list of actions to execute.
      EsRejectedExecutionException - if adding the approximate size in bytes of the request to totalBytesInFlight would exceed maxBytesInFlight
    • ensureOpen

      protected void ensureOpen()