Class DownsampleConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:
NamedWriteable, Writeable, ToXContent, ToXContentObject

public class DownsampleConfig extends Object implements NamedWriteable, ToXContentObject
This class holds the configuration details of a DownsampleAction that downsamples time series (TSDB) indices. We have made great effort to simplify the rollup configuration and currently only requires a fixed time interval. So, it has the following format: { "fixed_interval" : "1d", } fixed_interval is one or multiples of SI units and has no calendar-awareness (e.g. doesn't account for leap corrections, does not have variable length months, etc). Calendar-aware interval is not currently supported. Also, the rollup configuration uses the UTC time zone by default and the "@timestamp" field as the index field that stores the timestamp of the time series index. Finally, we have left methods such as getTimestampField(), getTimeZone() and getIntervalType() for future extensions.