Class AcknowledgedResponse

All Implemented Interfaces:
IsAcknowledgedSupplier, Writeable, RefCounted, ToXContent, ToXContentObject
Direct Known Subclasses:
ClusterUpdateSettingsResponse, ShardsAcknowledgedResponse

public class AcknowledgedResponse extends ActionResponse implements IsAcknowledgedSupplier, ToXContentObject
A response to an action which updated the cluster state, but needs to report whether any relevant nodes failed to apply the update. For instance, a PutMappingRequest may update a mapping in the index metadata, but one or more data nodes may fail to acknowledge the new mapping within the ack timeout. If this happens then clients must accept that subsequent requests that rely on the mapping update may return errors from the lagging data nodes.

Actions which return a payload-free acknowledgement of success should generally prefer to use ActionResponse.Empty instead of AcknowledgedResponse, and other listeners should generally prefer Void.