Interface IndexSettingProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IndexSettingProvider
An IndexSettingProvider is a provider for index level settings that can be set explicitly as a default value (so they show up as "set" for newly created indices)
  • Method Details

    • getAdditionalIndexSettings

      Settings getAdditionalIndexSettings(String indexName, String dataStreamName, boolean timeSeries, Metadata metadata, Instant resolvedAt, Settings allSettings, List<CompressedXContent> combinedTemplateMappings)
      Returns explicitly set default index Settings for the given index. This should not return null.
      indexName - The name of the new index being created
      dataStreamName - The name of the data stream if the index being created is part of a data stream otherwise null
      timeSeries - Whether the template is in time series mode.
      metadata - The current metadata instance that doesn't yet contain the index to be created
      resolvedAt - The time the request to create this new index was accepted.
      allSettings - All the setting resolved from the template that matches and any setting defined on the create index request
      combinedTemplateMappings - All the mappings resolved from the template that matches