Interface LiveVersionMapArchive

public interface LiveVersionMapArchive
Keeps track of the old map of a LiveVersionMap that gets evacuated on a refresh
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • afterRefresh

      void afterRefresh(LiveVersionMap.VersionLookup old)
      Archive the old map evacuated due to a refresh
      old - is the old map that is evacuated on a refresh
    • get

      VersionValue get(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef uid)
      Look up the given uid in the archive
    • getMinDeleteTimestamp

      long getMinDeleteTimestamp()
      Returns the min delete timestamp across all archived maps.
    • isUnsafe

      default boolean isUnsafe()
      Returns whether the archive has seen an unsafe old map (passed via afterRefresh(org.elasticsearch.index.engine.LiveVersionMap.VersionLookup)) which has not yet been refreshed on the unpromotable shards.
    • getRamBytesUsed

      default long getRamBytesUsed()
      Returns the total memory usage if the Archive.
    • getReclaimableRamBytes

      default long getReclaimableRamBytes()
      Returns how much memory could be freed up by creating a new commit and issuing a new unpromotable refresh.
    • getRefreshingRamBytes

      default long getRefreshingRamBytes()
      Returns how much memory will be freed once the current ongoing unpromotable refresh is finished.