
class ORTOperatorBackendAll extends ORTOperatorBackend with AbsV13 with AcosV7 with AcoshV9 with AddV13 with AndV7 with ArgMaxV13 with ArgMinV13 with AsinV7 with AsinhV9 with AtanV7 with AtanhV9 with AveragePoolV11 with BatchNormalizationV9 with CeilV13 with CeluV12 with ClipV13 with ConcatV13 with ConstantV13 with ConvV11 with CosV7 with CoshV9 with DivV13 with DropoutV13 with EluV6 with EqualV13 with ExpV13 with ExpandV13 with FlattenV13 with FloorV13 with GatherV13 with GemmV13 with GlobalAveragePoolV1 with GlobalMaxPoolV1 with GreaterV13 with GreaterOrEqualV12 with InstanceNormalizationV6 with InverseV1 with IsNaNV13 with LRNV13 with LeakyReluV6 with LessV13 with LessOrEqualV12 with LogV13 with MatMulV13 with MaxV13 with MaxPoolV12 with MeanV13 with MinV13 with ModV13 with MulV13 with NegV13 with NotV1 with OrV7 with PReluV9 with PadV13 with PowV13 with RangeV11 with ReciprocalV13 with ReduceLogSumV13 with ReduceMaxV13 with ReduceMeanV13 with ReduceMinV13 with ReduceProdV13 with ReduceSumV13 with ReduceSumSquareV13 with ReluV13 with ReshapeV13 with RoundV11 with SeluV6 with ShapeV13 with SigmoidV13 with SignV13 with SinV7 with SinhV9 with SliceV13 with SoftmaxV13 with SqrtV13 with SqueezeV13 with SubV13 with SumV13 with TanV7 with TanhV13 with TileV13 with TransposeV13 with UnsqueezeV13 with XorV7
trait XorV7
trait UnsqueezeV13
trait TransposeV13
trait TileV13
trait TanhV13
trait TanV7
trait SumV13
trait SubV13
trait SqueezeV13
trait SqrtV13
trait SoftmaxV13
trait SliceV13
trait SinhV9
trait SinV7
trait SignV13
trait SigmoidV13
trait ShapeV13
trait SeluV6
trait RoundV11
trait ReshapeV13
trait ReluV13
trait ReduceSumSquareV13
trait ReduceSumV13
trait ReduceProdV13
trait ReduceMinV13
trait ReduceMeanV13
trait ReduceMaxV13
trait ReduceLogSumV13
trait ReciprocalV13
trait RangeV11
trait PowV13
trait PadV13
trait PReluV9
trait OrV7
trait NotV1
trait NegV13
trait MulV13
trait ModV13
trait MinV13
trait MeanV13
trait MaxPoolV12
trait MaxV13
trait MatMulV13
trait LogV13
trait LessOrEqualV12
trait LessV13
trait LeakyReluV6
trait LRNV13
trait IsNaNV13
trait InverseV1
trait InstanceNormalizationV6
trait GreaterOrEqualV12
trait GreaterV13
trait GlobalMaxPoolV1
trait GlobalAveragePoolV1
trait GemmV13
trait GatherV13
trait FloorV13
trait FlattenV13
trait ExpandV13
trait ExpV13
trait EqualV13
trait EluV6
trait DropoutV13
trait DivV13
trait CoshV9
trait CosV7
trait ConvV11
trait ConstantV13
trait ConcatV13
trait ClipV13
trait CeluV12
trait CeilV13
trait BatchNormalizationV9
trait AveragePoolV11
trait AtanhV9
trait AtanV7
trait AsinhV9
trait AsinV7
trait ArgMinV13
trait ArgMaxV13
trait AndV7
trait AddV13
trait AcoshV9
trait AcosV7
trait AbsV13
trait Operator
trait OpToONNXBytesConverter
trait AutoCloseable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def AbsV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$1`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def AcosV7[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$2`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def AcoshV9[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$3`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def AddV13[@specialized T <: UInt | ULong | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$4`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def AndV7[@specialized T <: Boolean, @specialized T1 <: Boolean, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T1, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def ArgMaxV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axis <: Index ::: INil, KeepDims <: Boolean & Singleton](name: String, axis: Axis, keepdims: KeepDims, selectLastIndex: Int, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$63`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axis, KeepDims]], s: ShapeOf[KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axis, KeepDims]], i: IndicesOf[Axis], k: ValueOf[KeepDims]): Tensor[Long, (Tt1, KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axis, KeepDims], KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axis, KeepDims])]
Inherited from
def ArgMinV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axis <: Index ::: INil, KeepDims <: Boolean & Singleton](name: String, axis: Axis, keepdims: KeepDims, selectLastIndex: Int, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$64`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axis, KeepDims]], s: ShapeOf[KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axis, KeepDims]], i: IndicesOf[Axis], k: ValueOf[KeepDims]): Tensor[Long, (Tt1, KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axis, KeepDims], KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axis, KeepDims])]
Inherited from
def AsinV7[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$5`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def AsinhV9[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$6`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def AtanV7[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$7`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def AtanhV9[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$8`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def AveragePoolV11[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Dimension #: Dimension #: Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil, PadsBefore <: None | Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil, PadsAfter <: None | Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil](name: String, auto_pad: String, ceil_mode: Int, count_include_pad: Int, kernel_shape: S1, padsBefore: PadsBefore, padsAfter: PadsAfter, strides: Option[Array[Int]], X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$9`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td1], s: ShapeOf[PaddedShape[PoolShape[S, S1], PadsBefore, PadsAfter]], s1: ShapeOf[S1]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, PaddedShape[PoolShape[S, S1], PadsBefore, PadsAfter])]
Inherited from
def BatchNormalizationV9[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, N <: Dimension, C <: Dimension, H <: Dimension, W <: Dimension, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: N #: C #: H #: W #: SNil, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: C #: SNil, Tt2 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td2 <: TensorShapeDenotation](name: String, epsilon: Float, momentum: Float, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], scale: Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)], mean: Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)], someVar: Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)])(`evidence$10`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt2], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td2], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt2, Td2, S)]
Inherited from
def CeilV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$11`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def CeluV12[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, alpha: Float, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$12`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def ClipV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], min: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, SNil)], max: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, SNil)])(`evidence$66`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def ConcatV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | String | Boolean | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, SSuffix <: Shape, S <: Dimension #: SSuffix, S1 <: Dimension #: SSuffix, Axis <: Index ::: INil](name: String, axis: Axis, inputs: (Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S1)]))(using tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[AddGivenAxisSize[S, S1, Axis]], i: IndicesOf[Axis]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, AddGivenAxisSize[S, S1, Axis])]
Inherited from
def ConstantV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | String | Boolean | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, sparse_value: Option[Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]], value: Option[Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]], value_float: Option[Float], value_floats: Option[Array[Float]], value_int: Option[Int], value_ints: Option[Array[Int]], value_string: Option[String], value_strings: Option[Array[String]])(`evidence$67`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def ConvV11[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, N <: Dimension, C <: Dimension, H <: Dimension, W <: Dimension, KH <: Dimension, KW <: Dimension, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: N #: C #: H #: W #: SNil, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: 1 #: C #: KH #: KW #: SNil, Tt2 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td2 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S2 <: 1 #: SNil, Tt3 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td3 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S3 <: KH #: KW #: SNil, PadsBefore <: None | Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil, PadsAfter <: None | Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil](name: String, auto_pad: String, dilations: Option[Array[Int]], group: Int, kernel_shape: S3, padsBefore: PadsBefore, padsAfter: PadsAfter, strides: Option[Array[Int]], X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], W: Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)], B: Option[Tensor[T, (Tt2, Td2, S2)]])(`evidence$13`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt3], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td3], s: ShapeOf[PaddedShape[PoolShape[S, S3], PadsBefore, PadsAfter]], s3: ShapeOf[S3]): Tensor[T, (Tt3, Td3, PaddedShape[PoolShape[S, S3], PadsBefore, PadsAfter])]
Inherited from
def CosV7[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$14`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def CoshV9[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$15`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def DivV13[@specialized T <: UInt | ULong | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$16`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def DropoutV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, @specialized T1 <: Float16 | Float | Double | Boolean, @specialized T2 <: Boolean, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: Shape, Tt2 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td2 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S2 <: Shape](name: String, seed: Int, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], ratio: Tensor[T1, (Tt1, Td1, S1)], training_mode: Tensor[T2, (Tt2, Td2, S2)])(`evidence$17`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def EluV6[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, alpha: Float, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$18`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def EqualV13[@specialized T <: Boolean | UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, @specialized T1 <: Boolean, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td1], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T1, (Tt1, Td1, S)]
Inherited from
def ExpV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$19`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def ExpandV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | String | Boolean | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: Shape, Tt2 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td2 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S2 <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], shapeInput: Tensor[Long, (Tt1, Td1, S1)])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt2], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td2], s: ShapeOf[S2]): Tensor[T, (Tt2, Td2, S2)]
Inherited from
def FlattenV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | String | Boolean | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axis <: Index ::: INil](name: String, axis: Axis, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$20`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[FlattenedShape[S, Axis]]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td, FlattenedShape[S, Axis])]
Inherited from
def FloorV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$21`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def GatherV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | String | Boolean | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], @specialized Tind <: Int, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: Shape, Tt2 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td2 <: TensorShapeDenotation, AxisIndex <: Index ::: INil, AxisIndices <: Indices](name: String, axis: AxisIndex, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], indices: AxisIndices)(`evidence$22`: Numeric[Tind], tt: ValueOf[Tt2], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td2], s: ShapeOf[GatheredShape[S, AxisIndex, AxisIndices]], i: IndicesOf[AxisIndex], i2: IndicesOf[AxisIndices]): Tensor[T, (Tt2, Td2, GatheredShape[S, AxisIndex, AxisIndices])]
Inherited from
def GemmV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | UInt | ULong | Int | Long, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, M <: Dimension, K <: Dimension, S <: M #: K #: SNil, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, N <: Dimension, S1 <: K #: N #: SNil](name: String, alpha: Float, beta: Float, transA: Int, transB: Int, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)], C: Option[Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, M #: N #: SNil)]])(`evidence$23`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[M #: N #: SNil]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, M #: N #: SNil)]
Inherited from
def GlobalAveragePoolV1[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, N <: Dimension, C <: Dimension, H <: Dimension, W <: Dimension, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: N #: C #: H #: W #: SNil, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: N #: C #: 1 #: 1 #: SNil](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$24`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td1], s: ShapeOf[S1]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)]
Inherited from
def GlobalMaxPoolV1[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, N <: Dimension, C <: Dimension, H <: Dimension, W <: Dimension, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: N #: C #: H #: W #: SNil, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: N #: C #: 1 #: 1 #: SNil](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$25`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td1], s: ShapeOf[S1]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)]
Inherited from
def GreaterOrEqualV12[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | Float16 | Float | Double, @specialized T1 <: Boolean, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$68`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td1], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T1, (Tt1, Td1, S)]
Inherited from
def GreaterV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, @specialized T1 <: Boolean, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$69`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td1], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T1, (Tt1, Td1, S)]
Inherited from
def InstanceNormalizationV6[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Dimension #: Dimension #: Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: Dimension #: SNil, Tt2 <: TensorTypeDenotation](name: String, epsilon: Float, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], scale: Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)])(`evidence$26`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt2], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt2, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def InverseV1[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$76`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def IsNaNV13[@specialized T1 <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, @specialized T2 <: Boolean, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T1, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$27`: Numeric[T1], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T2, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def LRNV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Dimension #: Dimension #: Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation](name: String, alpha: Float, beta: Float, bias: Float, size: Int, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$28`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def LeakyReluV6[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, alpha: Float, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$29`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def LessOrEqualV12[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | Float16 | Float | Double, @specialized T1 <: Boolean, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$70`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td1], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T1, (Tt1, Td1, S)]
Inherited from
def LessV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, @specialized T1 <: Boolean, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$30`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td1], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T1, (Tt1, Td1, S)]
Inherited from
def LogV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$31`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def MatMulV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | UInt | ULong | Int | Long, Dim0 <: Dimension, Dim1 <: Dimension, Dim2 <: Dimension, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Dim0 #: Dim1 #: SNil, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: Dim1 #: Dim2 #: SNil](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)])(`evidence$32`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[Dim0 #: Dim2 #: SNil], vd0: ValueOf[S[Dim0]], vd1: ValueOf[S[Dim1]], vd2: ValueOf[S[Dim2]]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, Dim0 #: Dim2 #: SNil)]
Inherited from
def MaxPoolV12[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double | Byte | UByte, @specialized I <: Long, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Dimension #: Dimension #: Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil, PadsBefore <: None | Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil, PadsAfter <: None | Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil](name: String, auto_pad: String, ceil_mode: Int, dilations: Option[Array[Int]], kernel_shape: S1, padsBefore: PadsBefore, padsAfter: PadsAfter, storage_order: Int, strides: Option[Array[Int]], X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$33`: Numeric[T], `evidence$34`: Numeric[I], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td1], s: ShapeOf[PaddedShape[PoolShape[S, S1], PadsBefore, PadsAfter]], s1: ShapeOf[S1]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, PaddedShape[PoolShape[S, S1], PadsBefore, PadsAfter])]
Inherited from
def MaxV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, data_0: Seq[Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]])(`evidence$71`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def MeanV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, data_0: Seq[Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]])(`evidence$72`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def MinV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, data_0: Seq[Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]])(`evidence$73`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def ModV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, fmod: Int, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$74`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def MulV13[@specialized T <: UInt | ULong | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$35`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def NegV13[@specialized T <: Float | Int | Byte | Short | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$36`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def NotV1[@specialized T <: Boolean, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def OrV7[@specialized T <: Boolean, @specialized T1 <: Boolean, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T1, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def PReluV9[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double | UInt | ULong | Int | Long, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], slope: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$37`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def PadV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt2 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td2 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S2 <: Shape, Tt3 <: TensorTypeDenotation, AxesBefore <: Shape, AxesAfter <: Shape](name: String, mode: String, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], padsBefore: AxesBefore, padsAfter: AxesAfter, constant_value: Option[Tensor[T, (Tt2, Td2, S2)]])(`evidence$38`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt3], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[PaddedShape[S, AxesBefore, AxesAfter]]): Tensor[T, (Tt3, Td, PaddedShape[S, AxesBefore, AxesAfter])]
Inherited from
def PowV13[@specialized T <: Int | Long | Float16 | Float | Double, @specialized T1 <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], Y: Tensor[T1, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$39`: Numeric[T], `evidence$40`: Numeric[T1], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def RangeV11[@specialized T <: Float | Double | Short | Int | Long, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: Shape, Tt2 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td2 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S2 <: Shape, Tt3 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td3 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S3 <: Shape](name: String, start: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], limit: Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td1, S1)], delta: Tensor[T, (Tt2, Td2, S2)])(`evidence$75`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt3], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td3], s: ShapeOf[S3]): Tensor[T, (Tt3, Td3, S3)]
Inherited from
def ReciprocalV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$41`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def ReduceLogSumV13[@specialized T <: UInt | ULong | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axes <: Indices, KeepDims <: Boolean & Singleton](name: String, axes: Option[Axes], keepdims: KeepDims, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$42`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims]], s: ShapeOf[KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims]], i: IndicesOf[Axes], k: ValueOf[KeepDims]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims], KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims])]
Inherited from
def ReduceMaxV13[@specialized T <: UInt | ULong | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | UByte | Byte, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axes <: Indices, KeepDims <: Boolean & Singleton](name: String, axes: Option[Axes], keepdims: KeepDims, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$43`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims]], s: ShapeOf[KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims]], i: IndicesOf[Axes], k: ValueOf[KeepDims]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims], KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims])]
Inherited from
def ReduceMeanV13[@specialized T <: UInt | ULong | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axes <: Indices, KeepDims <: Boolean & Singleton](name: String, axes: Option[Axes], keepdims: KeepDims, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$44`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims]], s: ShapeOf[KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims]], i: IndicesOf[Axes], k: ValueOf[KeepDims]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims], KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims])]
Inherited from
def ReduceMinV13[@specialized T <: UInt | ULong | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | UByte | Byte, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axes <: Indices, KeepDims <: Boolean & Singleton](name: String, axes: Option[Axes], keepdims: KeepDims, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$45`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims]], s: ShapeOf[KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims]], i: IndicesOf[Axes], k: ValueOf[KeepDims]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims], KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims])]
Inherited from
def ReduceProdV13[@specialized T <: UInt | ULong | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axes <: Indices, KeepDims <: Boolean & Singleton](name: String, axes: Option[Axes], keepdims: KeepDims, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$46`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims]], s: ShapeOf[KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims]], i: IndicesOf[Axes], k: ValueOf[KeepDims]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims], KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims])]
Inherited from
def ReduceSumSquareV13[@specialized T <: UInt | ULong | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axes <: Indices, KeepDims <: Boolean & Singleton](name: String, axes: Option[Axes], keepdims: KeepDims, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$47`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims]], s: ShapeOf[KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims]], i: IndicesOf[Axes], k: ValueOf[KeepDims]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims], KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims])]
Inherited from
def ReduceSumV13[@specialized T <: UInt | ULong | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axes <: Indices, KeepDims <: Boolean & Singleton](name: String, axes: Option[Axes], keepdims: KeepDims, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$48`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims]], s: ShapeOf[KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims]], i: IndicesOf[Axes], k: ValueOf[KeepDims]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, KeepDims], KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, KeepDims])]
Inherited from
def ReluV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$49`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def ReshapeV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | String | Boolean | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S1 <: Shape, Tt2 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td2 <: TensorShapeDenotation, S2 <: Shape](name: String, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], shapeInput: Tensor[Long, (Tt1, Td1, S1)])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt2], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td2], s: ShapeOf[S2], sizeSeq: NumElements[S] =:= NumElements[S2]): Tensor[T, (Tt2, Td2, S2)]
Inherited from
def RoundV11[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$50`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def SeluV6[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, alpha: Float, gamma: Float, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$51`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def ShapeV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | Boolean | String | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], @specialized T1 <: Long, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td1 <: TensorShapeDenotation](name: String, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$52`: Numeric[T1], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td1], s: ShapeOf[Rank[S] & Dimension #: SNil]): Tensor[T1, (Tt1, Td1, Rank[S] & Dimension #: SNil)]
Inherited from
def SigmoidV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$53`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def SignV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$54`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def SinV7[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$55`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def SinhV9[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$56`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def SliceV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | String | Boolean | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, AxesStart <: Indices, AxesEnd <: Indices, AxisIndices <: None | Indices, StepIndices <: None | Indices](name: String, data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], starts: AxesStart, ends: AxesEnd, axes: AxisIndices, steps: StepIndices)(using tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s5: ShapeOf[SlicedShape[AxesStart, AxesEnd]]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td, SlicedShape[AxesStart, AxesEnd])]
Inherited from
def SoftmaxV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Dimension #: Dimension #: SNil, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation](name: String, axis: Int, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$57`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def SqrtV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, X: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$58`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def SqueezeV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | String | Boolean | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axes <: Indices](name: String, axes: Option[Axes], data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, false]], s: ShapeOf[KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, false]], i: IndicesOf[Axes]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, KeepOrReduceDimDenotations[Td, Axes, false], KeepOrReduceDims[S, Axes, false])]
Inherited from
def SubV13[@specialized T <: UInt | ULong | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$59`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def SumV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, data_0: Seq[Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]])(`evidence$60`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def TanV7[@specialized T <: Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$61`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def TanhV13[@specialized T <: BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(`evidence$62`: Numeric[T], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def TileV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | String | Boolean | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt2 <: TensorTypeDenotation, AxisRepeats <: Indices](name: String, input: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], repeats: AxisRepeats)(using tt: ValueOf[Tt2], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[TiledShape[S, AxisRepeats]]): Tensor[T, (Tt2, Td, TiledShape[S, AxisRepeats])]
Inherited from
def TransposeV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | String | Boolean | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, perm: Option[Array[Int]], data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Reverse[Td]], s: ShapeOf[Reverse[S]]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Reverse[Td], Reverse[S])]
Inherited from
def UnsqueezeV13[@specialized T <: UByte | UShort | UInt | ULong | Byte | Short | Int | Long | BFloat16 | Float16 | Float | Double | String | Boolean | Complex[Float] | Complex[Double], Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape, Tt1 <: TensorTypeDenotation, Axes <: Indices](name: String, axes: Option[Axes], data: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt1], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[UnsqueezeShape[S, Axes]], i: IndicesOf[Axes]): Tensor[T, (Tt1, Td, UnsqueezeShape[S, Axes])]
Inherited from
def XorV7[@specialized T <: Boolean, @specialized T1 <: Boolean, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, A: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], B: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T1, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def callByteArrayOp[T <: Supported, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](opModel: Array[Byte], inputs: Tuple)(using s: ShapeOf[S], tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
def callOp[T <: Supported, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](name: String, opName: String, inputs: Tuple, attrs: Map[String, Any])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from
override def close(): Unit
Definition Classes
ORTOperatorBackend -> AutoCloseable
Inherited from
protected def createInputValueInfoProto[T <: Supported, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](tens: Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)], inputName: String): ValueInfoProto
Inherited from
def fuseOps: ModelProto
Inherited from
def getSession(bytes: Array[Byte]): OrtSession
Inherited from
def modelToPersist(mod: ModelProto, outName: String): ModelProto
Inherited from
def opToModelProto[T <: Supported](opName: String, inputs: Tuple, attrs: Map[String, Any]): ModelProto
Inherited from
protected def opToNode[T <: Supported](name: String, opName: String, outName: String, attrs: Map[String, Any], domain: String): NodeProto
Inherited from
def runModel[T <: Supported, Tt <: TensorTypeDenotation, Td <: TensorShapeDenotation, S <: Shape](sess: OrtSession, input_tensor_values: Array[OnnxTensor], inputNames: List[String], outputNames: List[String])(using tt: ValueOf[Tt], td: TensorShapeDenotationOf[Td], s: ShapeOf[S]): Tensor[T, (Tt, Td, S)]
Inherited from

Inherited fields

val coreCount: Int
Inherited from
val env: OrtEnvironment
Inherited from
val sessionCache: LinkedHashMap[String, ModelProto]
Inherited from