
trait Error extends RuntimeException

An error type which is guaranteed to be useful.

In the Scala ecosystem, for better or worse, most errors end up getting converted to a subtype of java.lang.Throwable, usually java.lang.RuntimeException. This is convenient, because it interoperates well with the JVM ecosystem, but it has several notable drawbacks.

The primary draw back is that this valid instance of java.lang.RuntimeException,

scala> val e = new RuntimeException
val e = new RuntimeException
val e: RuntimeException = java.lang.RuntimeException

scala> e.getMessage
val res0: String = null

scala> e.getCause
val res1: Throwable = null

One would be hard pressed to find a less helpful error. As amazing as it may seem, it is not uncommon to have exceptions like this in real world production code.

Error is attempting to be the nicer version of java.lang.RuntimeException, which is compatible with all existing error code and always gives you meaningful context about the error.

There are three common idioms in Scala code for handling errors.

Error aims to support all these cases.

It is an open trait, so custom Error ADTs can extend it. This gives error handling code the ability to be generic when needed, but still guarantees a reasonable error message.

Using the provided trivial implementation of Error, you can convert your ADT type into a Error when needed or you can just create instances of Error directly and raise them, similar to `new RuntimeException().

Error also supports annotating Error#causes, similar to java.lang.Throwable#getCause, but more expressive. Rather than having a single cause (which may be null) Error allows for an arbitrary number of causes.

Finally, since Error extends java.lang.RuntimeException, it can dropped into place with any code currently using java.lang.Throwable as the default bottom error type.

class Exception
class Throwable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

The primary error message for contexts in which a single value is required, e.g. java.lang.Throwable#getMessage.

The primary error message for contexts in which a single value is required, e.g. java.lang.Throwable#getMessage.

For code which understands org.errors4s.core.Error it is recommended to use errorMessages instead. This gives you ''all'' the errors.

Concrete methods

A set of causes for this org.errors4s.core.Error. The first value in this set, if any, will be the value returned by org.errors4s.core.Error#getCause.

A set of causes for this org.errors4s.core.Error. The first value in this set, if any, will be the value returned by org.errors4s.core.Error#getCause.

A set of secondary error messages. Often these are values interpolated from the given context. This is why they are java.lang.String values and not values.

A set of secondary error messages. Often these are values interpolated from the given context. This is why they are java.lang.String values and not values.

Inherited methods

Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from

Concrete fields

An error message for each values in causes. This is just a convenience method for aggregating all error messages.

An error message for each values in causes. This is just a convenience method for aggregating all error messages.

final lazy

All the error messages for this org.errors4s.core.Error. This includes the primaryErrorMessage, the secondaryErrorMessages, and all error messages from causesErrorMessages.

All the error messages for this org.errors4s.core.Error. This includes the primaryErrorMessage, the secondaryErrorMessages, and all error messages from causesErrorMessages.

final lazy override
final lazy override