
Type members


class Default[+A](val default: A)
final case class distributionPackage(name: String, sinceVersion: Option[String], untilVersion: Option[String]) extends Annotation

An annotation that indicates that the annotated item should appear as being contained in the named distribution package.

An annotation that indicates that the annotated item should appear as being contained in the named distribution package.

final case class module(nameOverride: Option[String]) extends Annotation

An annotation that indicates that the annotated type is a Morphir module.

An annotation that indicates that the annotated type is a Morphir module.

Value parameters:

An optional name override for the module. If not specified, the name of the annotated type is used.

final case class namespace(ns: String) extends Annotation

An annotation that indicates that the annotated item should appear in the provided namespace.

An annotation that indicates that the annotated item should appear in the provided namespace.

Value parameters:

The namespace to use.

final case class nativeFunction() extends Annotation

An annotation that indicates that the annotated item is a native function.

An annotation that indicates that the annotated item is a native function.

final case class notExported() extends Annotation

An annotation that indicates that the annotated item should not be exported to the Morphir IR.

An annotation that indicates that the annotated item should not be exported to the Morphir IR.