
Members list

Type members


object BasicsSDK


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object ListSDK


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object MaybeSDK

The "Maybe" SDK functions somewhat differently from ListSDK or others, because Maybe is not handled as a specific RTValue but through the general RTConstructor type. This is because it is treated as such in the IR - Maybe values are initialized with constructors and pattern matched as such.

The "Maybe" SDK functions somewhat differently from ListSDK or others, because Maybe is not handled as a specific RTValue but through the general RTConstructor type. This is because it is treated as such in the IR - Maybe values are initialized with constructors and pattern matched as such.

TODO: This distinction should be refactored away. This entails:

  • Adding RTValue variants for Maybe (and Result, while we're at it)
  • Adding all supporting code for such (coercers + anything else)
  • Adding special cases to the Apply handling for Constructors, to create these special RTValues instead of the general form
  • Adding special cases to Constructor pattern matching to recognize these forms
  • Changing the RTValue to MDM process to reflect the new form
  • In this file:
  • Remove toOption and toMaybe
  • Change the types from RT.ConstructorResult to RT.Maybe
  • Change toOption(arg) calls to arg.value and toMaybe(result) calls to RT.Maybe(result)


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
object ResultSDK

The "Result" SDK functions somewhat differently from ListSDK or others, because Result is not handled as a specific RTValue but through the general RTConstructor type. This is because it is treated as such in the IR - Result values are initialized with constructors and pattern matched as such.

The "Result" SDK functions somewhat differently from ListSDK or others, because Result is not handled as a specific RTValue but through the general RTConstructor type. This is because it is treated as such in the IR - Result values are initialized with constructors and pattern matched as such.

TODO: This distinction should be refactored away. This entails:

  • Adding RTValue variants for Result
  • Adding all supporting code for such (coercers + anything else)
  • Adding special cases to the Apply handling for Constructors, to create these special RTValues instead of the general form
  • Adding special cases to Constructor pattern matching to recognize these forms
  • Changing the RTValue to MDM process to reflect the new form
  • In this file:
  • Remove toEither and toResult
  • Change the types from RT.ConstructorResult to RT.Result
  • Change toEither(arg) calls to arg.value and toResult(result) calls to RT.Result(result)


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type