
object ResultSDK

The "Result" SDK functions somewhat differently from ListSDK or others, because Result is not handled as a specific RTValue but through the general RTConstructor type. This is because it is treated as such in the IR - Result values are initialized with constructors and pattern matched as such.

TODO: This distinction should be refactored away. This entails:

  • Adding RTValue variants for Result
  • Adding all supporting code for such (coercers + anything else)
  • Adding special cases to the Apply handling for Constructors, to create these special RTValues instead of the general form
  • Adding special cases to Constructor pattern matching to recognize these forms
  • Changing the RTValue to MDM process to reflect the new form
  • In this file:
  • Remove toEither and toResult
  • Change the types from RT.ConstructorResult to RT.Result
  • Change toEither(arg) calls to arg.value and toResult(result) calls to RT.Result(result)


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

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