
See theDumper companion trait


trait DumperSyntax
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


object Formatter


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
trait Formatter[+Out] extends Repr => Out


trait Repr => Out
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Repr


trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
sealed trait Repr


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
class Boolean
class Byte
class Char
class Constructor
class Double
class Float
class Int
class KeyValue
class Long
class Object
class Short
class String
class VConstructor
Show all
Self type

Inherited classlikes

final implicit class DumperInterpolator(_sc: StringContext)


Inherited from:
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
implicit class DumperOps[A](self: A)


Inherited from:
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[A](implicit dumper: Dumper[A]): Dumper[A]
def keyValueDumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B)]

Constructs a Dumper instance for a pair of a key and a value given Dumper instances for the key and value types.

Constructs a Dumper instance for a pair of a key and a value given Dumper instances for the key and value types.


def make[A](f: A => Repr): Dumper[A]

Constructs a Dumper[A] from a function that converts a value of type A to a Repr.

Constructs a Dumper[A] from a function that converts a value of type A to a Repr.




implicit def ArrayDumper[A : Dumper]: Dumper[Array[A]]

Derives a Dumper[Array[A]] given a Dumper[A].

Derives a Dumper[Array[A]] given a Dumper[A].


implicit val BigDecimalDumper: Dumper[BigDecimal]

The Dumper instance for BigDecimal.

The Dumper instance for BigDecimal.


implicit val BigIntDumper: Dumper[BigInt]

The Dumper instance for BigInt.

The Dumper instance for BigInt.


implicit val BooleanDumper: Dumper[Boolean]

The Dumper instance for Boolean.

The Dumper instance for Boolean.


implicit val ByteDumper: Dumper[Byte]

The Dumper instance for Byte.

The Dumper instance for Byte.


implicit val CharDumper: Dumper[Char]

The Dumper instance for Char.

The Dumper instance for Char.


implicit val DoubleDumper: Dumper[Double]

The Dumper instance for Double.

The Dumper instance for Double.


implicit val DurationScalaDumper: Dumper[Duration]

The Dumper instance for scala.concurrent.Duration.

The Dumper instance for scala.concurrent.Duration.


implicit def EitherDumper[E : Dumper, A : Dumper]: Dumper[Either[E, A]]

Derives a Dumper[Either[E, A]] given a Dumper[E] and a Dumper[A].

Derives a Dumper[Either[E, A]] given a Dumper[E] and a Dumper[A].


implicit val FloatDumper: Dumper[Float]

The Dumper instance for Float.

The Dumper instance for Float.


implicit val IntDumper: Dumper[Int]

The Dumper instance for Int.

The Dumper instance for Int.


implicit def ListDumper[A : Dumper]: Dumper[List[A]]

Derives a Dumper[List[A]] given a Dumper[A].

Derives a Dumper[List[A]] given a Dumper[A].


implicit val LongDumper: Dumper[Long]

The Dumper instance for Long.

The Dumper instance for Long.


implicit def MapDumper[K : Dumper, V : Dumper]: Dumper[Map[K, V]]

Derives a Dumper[Map[K, V]] given a Dumper[K] and a Dumper[V].

Derives a Dumper[Map[K, V]] given a Dumper[K] and a Dumper[V].


implicit val MathContextDumper: Dumper[MathContext]

The Dumper instance for java.math.MathContext.

The Dumper instance for java.math.MathContext.


implicit val NothingDumper: Dumper[Nothing]

The Dumperinstance for Nothing. Note that since there are no values of type Nothing this Dumper instance can never be called.

The Dumperinstance for Nothing. Note that since there are no values of type Nothing this Dumper instance can never be called.


implicit def OptionDumper[A : Dumper]: Dumper[Option[A]]

Derives a Dumper[Option[A]] given a Dumper[A].

Derives a Dumper[Option[A]] given a Dumper[A].


implicit val RoundingModeDumper: Dumper[RoundingMode]

The Dumper instance for java.math.RoundingMode.

The Dumper instance for java.math.RoundingMode.


implicit val ShortDumper: Dumper[Short]

The Dumper instance for Short.

The Dumper instance for Short.


implicit val StringDumper: Dumper[String]

The Dumper instance for String.

The Dumper instance for String.


implicit val TimeUnitDumper: Dumper[TimeUnit]

The Dumper instance for TimeUnit.

The Dumper instance for TimeUnit.


implicit def Tuple10Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple11Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple12Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper, L : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple13Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper, L : Dumper, M : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple14Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper, L : Dumper, M : Dumper, N : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple15Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper, L : Dumper, M : Dumper, N : Dumper, O : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple16Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper, L : Dumper, M : Dumper, N : Dumper, O : Dumper, P : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple17Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper, L : Dumper, M : Dumper, N : Dumper, O : Dumper, P : Dumper, Q : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple18Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper, L : Dumper, M : Dumper, N : Dumper, O : Dumper, P : Dumper, Q : Dumper, R : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple19Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper, L : Dumper, M : Dumper, N : Dumper, O : Dumper, P : Dumper, Q : Dumper, R : Dumper, S : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple20Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper, L : Dumper, M : Dumper, N : Dumper, O : Dumper, P : Dumper, Q : Dumper, R : Dumper, S : Dumper, T : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple21Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper, L : Dumper, M : Dumper, N : Dumper, O : Dumper, P : Dumper, Q : Dumper, R : Dumper, S : Dumper, T : Dumper, U : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple22Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper, J : Dumper, K : Dumper, L : Dumper, M : Dumper, N : Dumper, O : Dumper, P : Dumper, Q : Dumper, R : Dumper, S : Dumper, T : Dumper, U : Dumper, V : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple2Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple3Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple4Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple5Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple6Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple7Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple8Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit def Tuple9Dumper[A : Dumper, B : Dumper, C : Dumper, D : Dumper, E : Dumper, F : Dumper, G : Dumper, H : Dumper, I : Dumper]: Dumper[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I)]

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.

Derives an Dumper for a product type given an Dumper for each element of the product type.


implicit val UnitDumper: Dumper[Unit]

The Dumper instance for Unit.

The Dumper instance for Unit.


implicit def VectorDumper[A : Dumper]: Dumper[Vector[A]]

Derives a Dumper[Vector[A]] given a Dumper[A].

Derives a Dumper[Vector[A]] given a Dumper[A].


Inherited implicits

final implicit def DumperInterpolator(_sc: StringContext): DumperInterpolator


Inherited from:
final implicit def DumperOps[A](self: A): DumperOps[A]


Inherited from: