
abstract class Stream[F[_], A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Decoder[F, A]
Stream[F, A]

Value members

Abstract methods

def cancel(): F[Unit]
def pull(): F[Option[A]]

Concrete methods

def ++(rhs: Stream[F, A]): Stream[F, A]
See also:


def collect[B](f: PartialFunction[A, B]): Stream[F, B]
def concat(rhs: Stream[F, A]): Stream[F, A]

Sequently concat two streams

Sequently concat two streams

 Stream(1,2,3) ++ Stream(4,5,6)
 // 1,2,3,4,5,6
def flatMap[B](f: A => Stream[F, B]): Stream[F, B]
See also:


def flatMapAsync[B](f: A => F[Stream[F, B]]): Stream[F, B]
def flatMapConcat[B](f: A => Stream[F, B]): Stream[F, B]

Merges underlying streams to one line.

Merges underlying streams to one line.

 Stream.eval(1, 2, 3) flatMapConcat { x =>
   Stream.eval(x + "a", x + "b", x + "c")
 // 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,3a,3b,3c
def flatMapMerge[B](concurrency: Int)(f: A => Stream[F, B]): Stream[F, B]

Merges underlying streams concurrently.

Merges underlying streams concurrently.

Value parameters:

number of concurrent underlying streams

 Stream.eval(1, 2, 3) flatMapMerge(3) { x =>
   Stream.eval(x + "a", x + "b", x + "c")
 // 1a,2a,3a,1b,2b,3b,1c,2c,3c
def flatMapMergeAsync[B](concurrency: Int)(f: A => F[Stream[F, B]]): Stream[F, B]
def fold[B](default: B)(f: (B, A) => B): F[B]
def foldAsync[B](default: B)(f: (B, A) => F[B]): F[B]
def foreach(f: A => F[Unit]): F[Unit]
def handleConsumed: (F[Unit], Stream[F, A])
def map[B](f: A => B): Stream[F, B]
def mapAsync[B](f: A => F[B]): Stream[F, B]
def over[B](default: B)(f: (B, Option[A]) => F[B]): Stream[F, A]

React on values of the stream keeping it the same. Useful when you want to track progress of downloading.

React on values of the stream keeping it the same. Useful when you want to track progress of downloading.

   .over(0L) {
     case (acc, chunk) =>
       val loaded = chunk.fold(acc)(_.length.toLong + acc)
       showProgress(loaded, file.bytesLength)
def sort(numRacks: Int)(f: A => Int): List[Stream[F, A]]

Sort elements of the stream between "racks".

Sort elements of the stream between "racks".

 val List(girls, boys, queers) = persons.sort(3) {
   case person if person.isFemale => 0
   case person if person.isMale => 1
   case person => 2
Value parameters:

Takes element of the stream return number of rack.


Number of racks.


List of streams appropriate to racks.

def to[U](f: Stream[F, A] => F[U]): F[U]