
sealed abstract class Scope[F[_], S, AccessType, M]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Context[F, S, M]

Type members


final implicit implicit class ComponentDsl[CS, P, E](component: Component[F, CS, P, E])(implicit evidence$8: StateSerializer[CS], evidence$9: StateDeserializer[CS], _e: Effect[F], _css: StateSerializer[S], _csd: StateDeserializer[S])
implicit implicit class JsCodeHelper(sc: StringContext)


type Access = Access[F, AccessType, M]
type Attr = Attr[Binding]
type Binding = Binding[F, S, M]
type Document = Document[Binding]
type Event = Event[F, S, M]
type EventFactory[T] = T => Event
type EventResult = F[Unit]
type Node = Node[Binding]
type Render = PartialFunction[S, Node[Binding]]
type Transition = () => S
type UnscopedAccess = Access[F, S, M]

Value members

Concrete methods

def elementId(name: Option[String]): ElementId
def event(name: String, stopPropagation: Boolean, phase: EventPhase)(effect: Access => F[Unit]): Event
def eventUnscoped(name: String, stopPropagation: Boolean, phase: EventPhase)(effect: UnscopedAccess => F[Unit]): Event
def scope[S2](lens: Lens[S, S2]): Scope[F, S, S2, M]
def scope[S2](read: PartialFunction[S, S2], write: PartialFunction[(S, S2), S]): Scope[F, S, S2, M]

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Delays often is using for hacks", "0.18.0")
def delay(duration: FiniteDuration)(effect: Access => F[Unit]): Delay[F, S, M]

Schedules the transition with delay. For example it can be useful when you want to hide something after timeout.

Schedules the transition with delay. For example it can be useful when you want to hide something after timeout.


Abstract fields

protected val accessScope: Access[F, S, M] => Access

Concrete fields

val emptyTransition: PartialFunction[S, S]



final implicit def ComponentDsl[CS : StateSerializer, P, E](component: Component[F, CS, P, E])(implicit evidence$8: StateSerializer[CS], evidence$9: StateDeserializer[CS], _e: Effect[F], _css: StateSerializer[S], _csd: StateDeserializer[S]): ComponentDsl[CS, P, E]
final implicit def JsCodeHelper(sc: StringContext): JsCodeHelper