
Type members


sealed abstract class CborException(msg: String, inner: Throwable) extends Exception
class CborParsingException(msg: String, inner: Throwable) extends CborException
class CborValidationException(msg: String, inner: Throwable) extends CborException
object Diagnostic

Useful for debugging, generates a stream of diagnostic strings representing the CBOR values in the input stream as defined in section 8 of RFC8949.

Useful for debugging, generates a stream of diagnostic strings representing the CBOR values in the input stream as defined in section 8 of RFC8949.

object HalfFloat

HalfFloat represents 16-bit floating-point values.

HalfFloat represents 16-bit floating-point values.

This type does not actually support arithmetic directly. The expected use case is to convert to Float to perform any actual arithmetic, then convert back to a HalfFloat if needed.

Binary representation:

sign (1 bit) | | exponent (5 bits) | | | | mantissa (10 bits) | | | x xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx

Value interpretation (in order of precedence, with _ wild):

0 00000 0000000000 (positive) zero 1 00000 0000000000 negative zero _ 00000 __________ subnormal number _ 11111 0000000000 +/- infinity _ 11111 __________ not-a-number _ _____ __________ normal number

For non-zero exponents, the mantissa has an implied leading 1 bit, so 10 bits of data provide 11 bits of precision for normal numbers.

object Tags

Contains the definition of tags described in section 2.4 of the RFC

Contains the definition of tags described in section 2.4 of the RFC

Value members

Concrete methods

def debugDiagnostic[F[_]](logger: String => Unit)(implicit F: RaiseThrowable[F]): (F, CborItem) => Nothing

A debugging Pipe, useful to use in conjunction with observe.

A debugging Pipe, useful to use in conjunction with observe.

def diagnostic[F[_]](implicit F: RaiseThrowable[F]): (F, CborItem) => String

Useful for debugging, generates a stream of diagnostic strings representing the CBOR values in the input stream as defined in section 8 of RFC8949.

Useful for debugging, generates a stream of diagnostic strings representing the CBOR values in the input stream as defined in section 8 of RFC8949.