
Type members


trait Deserializer[A]

Tells how some Json AST is deserialized into some value.

Tells how some Json AST is deserialized into some value.

trait Serializer[A]

Tells how a value is serialized into Json.

Tells how a value is serialized into Json.

object Serializer

Value members

Concrete methods

def deserialize[F[_], A](implicit F: RaiseThrowable[F], deserializer: Deserializer[A]): (F, Token) => A

Transforms a stream of Json tokens into a stream of deserialized values.

Transforms a stream of Json tokens into a stream of deserialized values.

def serialize[F[_], A](implicit serializer: Serializer[A]): (F, A) => Token

Transforms a stream of values into a stream of Json tokens.

Transforms a stream of values into a stream of Json tokens.

This operation is the opposite of deserialize.

def transform[F[_], A, B, Json](selector: Selector, f: A => B)(implicit F: RaiseThrowable[F], deserializer: Aux[A, Json], serializer: Aux[B, Json]): (F, Token) => Token

Transforms a stream of token into another one. The transformation function f is called on every selected value from upstream, and the resulting value replaces it. The rest of the stream is left unchanged.

Transforms a stream of token into another one. The transformation function f is called on every selected value from upstream, and the resulting value replaces it. The rest of the stream is left unchanged.

This operator locally deserializes the Json values using the Deserializer, and returns tokens as emitted by the Serializer on the resulting value.

def transformF[F[_], A, B, Json](selector: Selector, f: A => F[B])(implicit F: RaiseThrowable[F], deserializer: Aux[A, Json], serializer: Aux[B, Json]): (F, Token) => Token

Transforms a stream of token into another one. The transformation function f is called on every selected value from upstream, and the resulting value replaces it. The rest of the stream is left unchanged. The operation can fail, in case the returned F is failed at one step.

Transforms a stream of token into another one. The transformation function f is called on every selected value from upstream, and the resulting value replaces it. The rest of the stream is left unchanged. The operation can fail, in case the returned F is failed at one step.

This operator locally deserializes Json values using the Deserializer, and returns tokens as emitted by the Serializer on the resulting value.

def transformOpt[F[_], A, B, Json](selector: Selector, f: A => Option[B])(implicit F: RaiseThrowable[F], deserializer: Aux[A, Json], serializer: Aux[B, Json]): (F, Token) => Token

Transforms a stream of token into another one. The transformation function f is called on every selected value from upstream, and the resulting value replaces it. If the function returns None, then the entire value is dropped (and the object key it is located at, if any). The rest of the stream is left unchanged.

Transforms a stream of token into another one. The transformation function f is called on every selected value from upstream, and the resulting value replaces it. If the function returns None, then the entire value is dropped (and the object key it is located at, if any). The rest of the stream is left unchanged.

This operator locally deserializes Json values using the Deserializer, and returns tokens as emitted by the Serializer on the resulting value.

def transformOptF[F[_], A, B, Json](selector: Selector, f: A => F[Option[B]])(implicit F: RaiseThrowable[F], deserializer: Aux[A, Json], serializer: Aux[B, Json]): (F, Token) => Token

Transforms a stream of token into another one. The transformation function f is called on every selected value from upstream, and the resulting value replaces it. The rest of the stream is left unchanged. The operation can fail, in case the returned F is failed at one step.

Transforms a stream of token into another one. The transformation function f is called on every selected value from upstream, and the resulting value replaces it. The rest of the stream is left unchanged. The operation can fail, in case the returned F is failed at one step.

This operator locally deserializes Json values using the Deserializer, and returns tokens as emitted by the Serializer on the resulting value.
