
final class PartiallyAppliedFilter[F[_]] extends AnyVal

Namespace containing the various JsonPath filtering pipes.

class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def collect[T](path: JsonPath, collector: Aux[Token, T], deterministic: Boolean, maxMatch: Int, maxNest: Int)(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): (F, Token) => T

Selects all matching elements in the input stream, and applies the fs2.Collector to it.

Selects all matching elements in the input stream, and applies the fs2.Collector to it.

If deterministic is set to true (default value), elements are emitted in the order they appeat in the input stream, i.e. first opening tag first. If deterministic is set to false, built elements are emitted as soon as possible (i.e. when the value is entirely built).

The maxMatch parameter controls how many matches are to be emitted at most. Further matches won't be emitted if any.

The maxNest parameter controls the maximum level of match nesting to be emitted. E.g., if you want to emit only the top most matches, set it to 0.

def first(path: JsonPath)(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): (F, Token) => Token

Selects the first match in the input stream. The tokens of the first matching value are emitted as they are read.

Selects the first match in the input stream. The tokens of the first matching value are emitted as they are read.

The other matches are gently discarded.

def raw(path: JsonPath, maxMatch: Int, maxNest: Int)(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): (F, Token) => Stream[F, Token]

Selects all macthing elements in the input stream. Each matching element is emitted in a new stream. Matching is performed in a streaming fashion, and events are emitted as early as possible. The match streams are emitted in the same order they are encountered in the input stream, i.e. in the order of the opening tags matching the query.

Selects all macthing elements in the input stream. Each matching element is emitted in a new stream. Matching is performed in a streaming fashion, and events are emitted as early as possible. The match streams are emitted in the same order they are encountered in the input stream, i.e. in the order of the opening tags matching the query.

The maxMatch parameter controls how many matches are to be emitted at most. Further matches won't be emitted if any.

The maxNest parameter controls the maximum level of match nesting to be emitted. E.g., if you want to emit only the top most matches, set it to 0.

'''Warning''': make sure you actually consume all the emitted streams otherwise this can lead to memory problems.

def values[T](path: JsonPath, deterministic: Boolean, maxMatch: Int, maxNest: Int)(implicit F: Concurrent[F], builder: Builder[T]): (F, Token) => T

Selects all matching elements in the input stream, and builds an AST.

Selects all matching elements in the input stream, and builds an AST.

If deterministic is set to true (default value), elements are emitted in the order they appeat in the input stream, i.e. first opening tag first. If deterministic is set to false, built elements are emitted as soon as possible (i.e. when the value is entirely built).

The maxMatch parameter controls how many matches are to be emitted at most. Further matches won't be emitted if any.

The maxNest parameter controls the maximum level of match nesting to be emitted. E.g., if you want to emit only the top most matches, set it to 0.


Concrete fields