Package org.hamcrest

Class TypeSafeMatcher<T>

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected TypeSafeMatcher()
      The default constructor for simple sub types
      protected TypeSafeMatcher​(java.lang.Class<?> expectedType)
      Use this constructor if the subclass that implements matchesSafely is not the class that binds <T> to a type.
      protected TypeSafeMatcher​(ReflectiveTypeFinder typeFinder)
      Use this constructor if the subclass that implements matchesSafely is not the class that binds <T> to a type.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TypeSafeMatcher

        protected TypeSafeMatcher()
        The default constructor for simple sub types
      • TypeSafeMatcher

        protected TypeSafeMatcher​(java.lang.Class<?> expectedType)
        Use this constructor if the subclass that implements matchesSafely is not the class that binds <T> to a type.
        expectedType - The expectedType of the actual value.
      • TypeSafeMatcher

        protected TypeSafeMatcher​(ReflectiveTypeFinder typeFinder)
        Use this constructor if the subclass that implements matchesSafely is not the class that binds <T> to a type.
        typeFinder - A type finder to extract the type
    • Method Detail

      • matchesSafely

        protected abstract boolean matchesSafely​(T item)
        Subclasses should implement this. The item will already have been checked for the specific type and will never be null.
      • describeMismatchSafely

        protected void describeMismatchSafely​(T item,
                                              Description mismatchDescription)
        Subclasses should override this. The item will already have been checked for the specific type and will never be null.
      • matches

        public final boolean matches​(java.lang.Object item)
        Methods made final to prevent accidental override. If you need to override this, there's no point on extending TypeSafeMatcher. Instead, extend the BaseMatcher.
        item - the object against which the matcher is evaluated.
        true if item matches, otherwise false.
        See Also:
      • describeMismatch

        public final void describeMismatch​(java.lang.Object item,
                                           Description description)
        Description copied from interface: Matcher
        Generate a description of why the matcher has not accepted the item. The description will be part of a larger description of why a matching failed, so it should be concise. This method assumes that matches(item) is false, but will not check this.
        Specified by:
        describeMismatch in interface Matcher<T>
        describeMismatch in class BaseMatcher<T>
        item - The item that the Matcher has rejected.
        description - The description to be built or appended to.