
package stats

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Empty[K, V]()(implicit evidence$25: Numeric[K], evidence$26: Integral[V]) extends Stats[K, V] with Product with Serializable
  2. case class NonEmpty[K, V](n: V, sum: Double, mean: Double, stddev: Double, median: Double, mad: Double, samplesOpt: Option[Samples[K, V]], sortedSamplesOpt: Option[Samples[K, V]], percentiles: Seq[(Rational, Double)])(implicit evidence$27: Numeric[K], evidence$28: Integral[V]) extends Stats[K, V] with Product with Serializable

    Stores some computed statistics about a dataset of Numeric elements.

    Stores some computed statistics about a dataset of Numeric elements.


    number of elements in the dataset.


    median absolute deviation (from the median).


    "sample" elements; the start and end of the data.


    "sample" elements; the least and greatest elements. If the dataset is already sorted, meaning this would be equivalent to samplesOpt, it is omitted.


    selected percentiles of the dataset.

  3. case class Runs[K, V](elems: Seq[(K, V)], num: V)(implicit evidence$1: Integral[V]) extends Product with Serializable

    Convenience class wrapping a sequence of key-number pairs, used in run-length-encoding in NonEmpty.

  4. case class Samples[K, V](n: V, first: Runs[K, V], last: Runs[K, V])(implicit evidence$1: Integral[V]) extends Product with Serializable

    Used by NonEmpty to wrap some Runs of elements from the start and end of a dataset.

    Used by NonEmpty to wrap some Runs of elements from the start and end of a dataset.


    arbitrary element type


    Integral type, e.g. Int or Long.


    total number of elements in the dataset.


    Runs of elements from the start of the dataset.


    Runs of elements from the end of the dataset.

  5. sealed abstract class Stats[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Stores some computed statistics about a dataset of Numeric elements.

    Stores some computed statistics about a dataset of Numeric elements.

    Two concrete implementations are below: Empty and NonEmpty.


    Numeric element type. TODO(ryan): allow this to be non-Numeric.


    Integral value type.

Value Members

  1. object Runs extends Serializable
  2. object Samples extends Serializable
  3. object Stats
