
final class LeafBuilder[I]

By requiring a LeafBuilder, you are ensuring that the pipeline is capped with a TailStage as the only way to get a LeafBuilder if by capping with a TailStage or getting a new LeafBuilder from a TailStage

By requiring a LeafBuilder, you are ensuring that the pipeline is capped with a TailStage as the only way to get a LeafBuilder if by capping with a TailStage or getting a new LeafBuilder from a TailStage

Type Params

type the pipeline will read and write

Value Params

the capped pipeline

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def +:[N](tb: TrunkBuilder[N, I]): LeafBuilder[N]
def base(root: HeadStage[I]): root
def prepend[N](stage: MidStage[N, I]): LeafBuilder[N]
def prepend[N](tb: TrunkBuilder[N, I]): LeafBuilder[N]