
Type members


final case class Consumer(key: String, secret: String)

Representation of a Consumer key and secret

Representation of a Consumer key and secret

sealed trait ProtocolParameter
final case class Token(value: String, secret: String)

Representation of an OAuth Token and Token secret

Representation of an OAuth Token and Token secret

Value members

Concrete methods

def mkBaseString(method: Method, uri: Uri, paramsStr: String): String
def signRequest[F[_]](req: Request[F], consumer: Consumer, callback: Option[Uri], verifier: Option[String], token: Option[Token])(implicit F: Async[F], W: EntityDecoder[F, UrlForm]): F[Request[F]]

Sign the request with an OAuth Authorization header

Sign the request with an OAuth Authorization header

WARNING: POST requests with application/x-www-form-urlencoded bodies will be entirely buffered due to signing requirements.

def signRequest[F[_]](req: Request[F], consumer: Consumer, token: Option[Token], realm: Option[Realm], signatureMethod: SignatureMethod, timestampGenerator: F[Timestamp], version: Version, nonceGenerator: F[Nonce], callback: Option[Callback], verifier: Option[Verifier])(implicit F: Async[F], W: EntityDecoder[F, UrlForm]): F[Request[F]]
def takeSigHeaders[F[_]](consumer: Consumer, token: Option[Token], signatureMethod: SignatureMethod, timestampGenerator: F[Timestamp], version: Version, nonceGenerator: F[Nonce], callback: Option[Callback], verifier: Option[Verifier])(implicit evidence$1: Monad[F]): F[Seq[ProtocolParameter]]