
Basic OAuth1 message signing support

This feature is not considered stable.

Type members


final case class Consumer(key: String, secret: String)

Representation of a Consumer key and secret

Representation of a Consumer key and secret

An implementation of the HMAC-SHA1 oauth signature method.

An implementation of the HMAC-SHA1 oauth signature method.

This uses the HmacSHA1 implementation which every java platform is required to have.

An implementation of the HMAC-SHA256 oauth signature method.

An implementation of the HMAC-SHA256 oauth signature method.

This uses the HmacSHA256 implementation which every java platform is required to have.

An implementation of the HMAC-SHA512 oauth signature method.

An implementation of the HMAC-SHA512 oauth signature method.

WARNING - This uses the HmacSHA512 implementation which is not required to be present by the Java spec. (However, most modern Java runtimes tend to have it)

sealed trait ProtocolParameter

Implementations for Oauth1 signatures.

Implementations for Oauth1 signatures.

final case class Token(value: String, secret: String)

Representation of an OAuth Token and Token secret

Representation of an OAuth Token and Token secret

Value members

Concrete methods

def mkBaseString(method: Method, uri: Uri, paramsStr: String): String
def signRequest[F[_]](req: Request[F], consumer: Consumer, token: Option[Token], realm: Option[Realm], signatureMethod: SignatureMethod, timestampGenerator: F[Timestamp], version: Version, nonceGenerator: F[Nonce], callback: Option[Callback], verifier: Option[Verifier])(implicit F: Async[F], W: EntityDecoder[F, UrlForm]): F[Request[F]]
def takeSigHeaders[F[_] : Monad](consumer: Consumer, token: Option[Token], signatureMethod: SignatureMethod, timestampGenerator: F[Timestamp], version: Version, nonceGenerator: F[Nonce], callback: Option[Callback], verifier: Option[Verifier]): F[Seq[ProtocolParameter]]