
final class Request[F[_]] extends Message[F] with Product with Serializable

Representation of an incoming HTTP message

A Request encapsulates the entirety of the incoming HTTP request including the status line, headers, and a possible request body.

Value parameters:

Immutable Map used for carrying additional information in a type safe fashion


fs2.Stream[F, Byte] defining the body of the request


collection of Headers


the HTTP version


Method.GET, Method.POST, etc.


representation of the request URI

trait Product
trait Equals
trait Message[F]
trait Media[F]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type SelfF[F0[_]] = Request[F0]

Inherited types

type Self = SelfF[F]
Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

Add a Cookie header for the provided org.http4s.headers.Cookie

Add a Cookie header for the provided org.http4s.headers.Cookie

def addCookie(name: String, content: String): Request[F]

Add a Cookie header with the provided values

Add a Cookie header with the provided values

def asCurl(redactHeadersWhen: CIString => Boolean): String

cURL representation of the request.

cURL representation of the request.

Supported cURL-Parameters are: --request, --url, --header. Note that asCurl will not print the request body.

def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean

Parses all available org.http4s.headers.Cookie headers into a list of RequestCookie objects. This implementation is compatible with cookie headers formatted per HTTP/1 and HTTP/2, or even both at the same time.

Parses all available org.http4s.headers.Cookie headers into a list of RequestCookie objects. This implementation is compatible with cookie headers formatted per HTTP/1 and HTTP/2, or even both at the same time.

def decode[A](f: A => F[Response[F]])(implicit F: Monad[F], decoder: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[Response[F]]

Helper method for decoding Requests

Helper method for decoding Requests

Attempt to decode the Request and, if successful, execute the continuation to get a Response. If decoding fails, an UnprocessableEntity Response is generated.

def decodeStrict[A](f: A => F[Response[F]])(implicit F: Monad[F], decoder: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[Response[F]]

Helper method for decoding Requests

Helper method for decoding Requests

Attempt to decode the Request and, if successful, execute the continuation to get a Response. If decoding fails, an UnprocessableEntity Response is generated. If the decoder does not support the MediaType of the Request, a UnsupportedMediaType Response is generated instead.

def decodeWith[A](decoder: EntityDecoder[F, A], strict: Boolean)(f: A => F[Response[F]])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Response[F]]

Returns the the X-Forwarded-For value if present, else the remote address.

Returns the the X-Forwarded-For value if present, else the remote address.

override def hashCode(): Int
Definition Classes

A request is idempotent if its method is idempotent or it contains an Idempotency-Key header.

A request is idempotent if its method is idempotent or it contains an Idempotency-Key header.

Whether the Request was received over a secure medium

Whether the Request was received over a secure medium

def mapK[G[_]](f: FunctionK[F, G]): Request[G]

Representation of the query string as a map

Representation of the query string as a map

In case a parameter is available in query string but no value is there the sequence will be empty. If the value is empty the the sequence contains an empty string.


Query StringMap
?param=vMap("param" -> Seq("v"))
?param=Map("param" -> Seq(""))
?paramMap("param" -> Seq())
?=valueMap("" -> Seq("value"))
?p1=v1&p1=v2&p2=v3&p2=v4Map("p1" -> Seq("v1","v2"), "p2" -> Seq("v3","v4"))

The query string is lazily parsed. If an error occurs during parsing an empty Map is returned.

View of the head elements of the URI parameters in query string.

View of the head elements of the URI parameters in query string.

In case a parameter has no value the map returns an empty string.

See also:


def productElement(n: Int): Any
def remoteHost(implicit F: Monad[F], dns: Dns[F]): F[Option[Hostname]]

A projection of this request without the body.

A projection of this request without the body.

override def toString: String
Definition Classes
def withMethod(method: Method): Request[F]
def withUri(uri: Uri): Request[F]

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Use the variant requiring ip4s.Dns[F]", "0.23.7")
def remoteHost(F: Sync[F]): F[Option[Hostname]]
@deprecated(message = "Use {withPathInfo(Uri.Path)} instead", since = "0.22.0-M1")
[Since version 0.22.0-M1] Use {withPathInfo(Uri.Path)} instead

Inherited methods

def addHeader[H : ([H] =>> Header[H, Recurring])](h: H): Self

Add a header to these headers. The header should be a type with a recurring Header instance to ensure that the new value can be appended to any existing values.

Add a header to these headers. The header should be a type with a recurring Header instance to ensure that the new value can be appended to any existing values.

>>> import cats.effect.IO
>>> import org.http4s.headers.Accept

>>> val req = Request[IO]().addHeader(Accept(MediaRange.`application/*`))
>>> req.headers.get[Accept]

>>> val req2 = req.addHeader(Accept(MediaRange.`text/*`))
>>> req2.headers.get[Accept]
Some(Accept(NonEmptyList(application/*, text/*)))


Inherited from:
final def as[A](implicit F: MonadThrow[F], decoder: EntityDecoder[F, A]): F[A]

Decode the Media to the specified type

Decode the Media to the specified type

If no valid Status has been described, allow Ok

Type parameters:

type of the result

Value parameters:

EntityDecoder used to decode the Media


the effect which will generate the A

Inherited from:
final def attemptAs[T](implicit decoder: EntityDecoder[F, T]): DecodeResult[F, T]

Decode the Media to the specified type

Decode the Media to the specified type

Type parameters:

type of the result

Value parameters:

EntityDecoder used to decode the Media


the effect which will generate the DecodeResult[T]

Inherited from:
final def bodyText(implicit RT: RaiseThrowable[F], defaultCharset: Charset): Stream[F, String]
Inherited from:
final def charset: Option[Charset]
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
override def covary[F2[x]]: Request[F2]

Lifts this Message's body to the specified effect type.

Lifts this Message's body to the specified effect type.

Definition Classes
Inherited from:

Keep headers that satisfy the predicate

Keep headers that satisfy the predicate

Value parameters:



a new message object which has only headers that satisfy the predicate

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def putHeaders(headers: ToRaw*): Self

Add the provided headers to the existing headers, replacing those of the same header name

Add the provided headers to the existing headers, replacing those of the same header name

>>> import cats.effect.IO
>>> import org.http4s.headers.Accept

>>> val req = Request[IO]().putHeaders(Accept(MediaRange.`application/*`))
>>> req.headers.get[Accept]

>>> val req2 = req.putHeaders(Accept(MediaRange.`text/*`))
>>> req2.headers.get[Accept]


Inherited from:
def removeHeader[A](implicit h: Header[A, _]): Self
Inherited from:
def removeHeader(key: CIString): Self
Inherited from:
def toStrict(maxBytes: Option[Long])(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): F[Self]

Compiles the body stream to a single chunk and sets it as the body. Replaces any Transfer-Encoding: chunked with a Content-Length header. It is the caller's responsibility to assure there is enough memory to materialize the entity body and control the time limits of that materialization.

Compiles the body stream to a single chunk and sets it as the body. Replaces any Transfer-Encoding: chunked with a Content-Length header. It is the caller's responsibility to assure there is enough memory to materialize the entity body and control the time limits of that materialization.

Value parameters:

maximum length of the entity stream. If the stream exceeds the limit then processing fails with the Message.EntityStreamException. Pass the scala.None if you don't want to limit the entity body.

Inherited from:
def trailerHeaders(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[Headers]

The trailer headers, as specified in Section 3.6.1 of RFC 2616. The resulting F might not complete until the entire body has been consumed.

The trailer headers, as specified in Section 3.6.1 of RFC 2616. The resulting F might not complete until the entire body has been consumed.

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def withAttribute[A](key: Key[A], value: A): Self

Generates a new message object with the specified key/value pair appended to the attributes.

Generates a new message object with the specified key/value pair appended to the attributes.

Type parameters:

type of the value to store

Value parameters:

org.typelevel.vault.Key with which to associate the value


value associated with the key


a new message object with the key/value pair appended

Inherited from:
def withAttributes(attributes: Vault): Self
Inherited from:

Sets the entity body without affecting headers such as Transfer-Encoding or Content-Length. Most use cases are better served by withEntity, which uses an EntityEncoder to maintain the headers.

Sets the entity body without affecting headers such as Transfer-Encoding or Content-Length. Most use cases are better served by withEntity, which uses an EntityEncoder to maintain the headers.

WARNING: this method does not modify the headers of the message, and as a consequence headers may be incoherent with the body.

Inherited from:
def withContentType(contentType: Content-Type): Self
Inherited from:
Inherited from:

Set an empty entity body on this message, and remove all payload headers that make no sense with an empty body.

Set an empty entity body on this message, and remove all payload headers that make no sense with an empty body.

Inherited from:
def withEntity[T](b: T)(implicit w: EntityEncoder[F, T]): Self

Replace the body of this message with a new body

Replace the body of this message with a new body

Type parameters:

type of the Body

Value parameters:

body to attach to this method


EntityEncoder with which to convert the body to an EntityBody


a new message with the new body

Inherited from:
def withHeaders(headers: ToRaw*): Self
Inherited from:
def withHeaders(headers: Headers): Self
Inherited from:
def withHttpVersion(httpVersion: HttpVersion): Self
Inherited from:
def withTrailerHeaders(trailerHeaders: F[Headers]): Self
Inherited from:
def withoutAttribute(key: Key[_]): Self

Returns a new message object without the specified key in the attributes.

Returns a new message object without the specified key in the attributes.

Value parameters:

org.typelevel.vault.Key to remove


a new message object without the key

Inherited from:
Inherited from: