
object EntityDecoder extends EntityDecoderCompanionPlatform

EntityDecoder is used to attempt to decode an EntityBody This companion object provides a way to create new EntityDecoders along with some commonly used instances which can be resolved implicitly.

trait EntityDecoderCompanionPlatform
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_], T](implicit ev: EntityDecoder[F, T]): EntityDecoder[F, T]

summon an implicit EntityDecoder

summon an implicit EntityDecoder

def collectBinary[F[_]](m: Media[F])(implicit evidence$3: Concurrent[F]): DecodeResult[F, Chunk[Byte]]

Helper method which simply gathers the body into a single Chunk

Helper method which simply gathers the body into a single Chunk

def decodeBy[F[_], T](r1: MediaRange, rs: MediaRange*)(f: Media[F] => DecodeResult[F, T])(implicit evidence$2: Applicative[F]): EntityDecoder[F, T]

Create a new EntityDecoder

Create a new EntityDecoder

The new EntityDecoder will attempt to decode messages of type T only if the Message satisfies the provided MediaRange.

Exceptions thrown by f are not caught. Care should be taken that recoverable errors are returned as a DecodeResult#failure, or that system errors are raised in F.

def decodeText[F[_]](m: Media[F])(implicit F: Concurrent[F], defaultCharset: Charset): F[String]

Decodes a message to a String

Decodes a message to a String

def error[F[_], T](t: Throwable)(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): EntityDecoder[F, T]

Provides a mechanism to fail decoding

Provides a mechanism to fail decoding



implicit def binary[F[_]](implicit evidence$4: Concurrent[F]): EntityDecoder[F, Chunk[Byte]]
implicit def byteArrayDecoder[F[_]](implicit evidence$5: Concurrent[F]): EntityDecoder[F, Array[Byte]]
implicit def charArrayDecoder[F[_]](implicit evidence$6: Concurrent[F]): EntityDecoder[F, Array[Char]]
implicit def multipart[F[_]](implicit evidence$7: Concurrent[F]): EntityDecoder[F, Multipart[F]]
implicit def semigroupKForEntityDecoder[F[_]](implicit evidence$1: Functor[F]): SemigroupK[[_] =>> EntityDecoder[F, _$5]]
implicit def text[F[_]](implicit F: Concurrent[F], defaultCharset: Charset): EntityDecoder[F, String]
implicit def void[F[_]](implicit evidence$8: Concurrent[F]): EntityDecoder[F, Unit]

An entity decoder that ignores the content and returns unit.

An entity decoder that ignores the content and returns unit.