
final class CORSConfig

CORS middleware config options. You can give an instance of this class to the CORS middleware, to specify its behavior

CORS middleware config options. You can give an instance of this class to the CORS middleware, to specify its behavior

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def equals(x: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
override def hashCode(): Int
Definition Classes
override def toString(): String
Definition Classes
def withAllowCredentials(allowCredentials: Boolean): CORSConfig
def withAllowedHeaders(allowedHeaders: Option[Set[String]]): CORSConfig
def withAllowedMethods(allowedMethods: Option[Set[Method]]): CORSConfig
def withAllowedOrigins(allowedOrigins: String => Boolean): CORSConfig
def withAnyMethod(anyMethod: Boolean): CORSConfig
def withAnyOrigin(anyOrigin: Boolean): CORSConfig
def withExposedHeaders(exposedHeaders: Option[Set[String]]): CORSConfig
def withMaxAge(maxAge: FiniteDuration): CORSConfig

Concrete fields

val allowCredentials: Boolean
val allowedHeaders: Option[Set[String]]
val allowedMethods: Option[Set[Method]]
val allowedOrigins: String => Boolean
val anyMethod: Boolean
val anyOrigin: Boolean
val exposedHeaders: Option[Set[String]]
val maxAge: FiniteDuration