
object defaults
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Renamed to ResponseTimeout", "0.21.0-M3")
def AsyncTimeout: Duration

Concrete fields

val HttpPort: Int
val IPv4Host: String
val IPv4SocketAddress: InetSocketAddress
val IPv6Host: String
val IPv6SocketAddress: InetSocketAddress
val IdleTimeout: Duration
val MaxConnections: Int

Default max connections

Default max connections

val MaxHeadersSize: Int

Default max size of all headers.

Default max size of all headers.

val ResponseTimeout: Duration
val ShutdownTimeout: Duration

The time to wait for a graceful shutdown

The time to wait for a graceful shutdown

Deprecated fields

@deprecated(message = "Please use IPv4Host or IPv6Host. This value can change depending on Platform specific settings and can be either the canonical IPv4 or IPv6 address. If you require this behavior please call `InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress` directly.", since = "0.21.23")
val Host: String
[Since version 0.21.23] Please use IPv4Host or IPv6Host. This value can change depending on Platform specific settings and can be either the canonical IPv4 or IPv6 address. If you require this behavior please call `InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress` directly.
@deprecated(message = "Please use IPv4SocketAddress or IPv6SocketAddress. This value can change depending on Platform specific settings and can be either the canonical IPv4 or IPv6 address. If you require this behavior please call `InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress` directly.", since = "0.21.23")
val SocketAddress: InetSocketAddress
[Since version 0.21.23] Please use IPv4SocketAddress or IPv6SocketAddress. This value can change depending on Platform specific settings and can be either the canonical IPv4 or IPv6 address. If you require this behavior please call `InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress` directly.