
class ServletContainer[F[_]] extends ServerBuilder[F]
trait ServerBuilder[F]
trait BackendBuilder[F, Server]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


Value members

Abstract methods

def mountFilter(filter: Filter, urlMapping: String, name: Option[String], dispatches: EnumSet[DispatcherType]): Self

Mounts a filter to the server.

Mounts a filter to the server.

The http4s way is to create a middleware around an HttpRoutes, which runs not just on servlet containers, but all supported backends. This method is good for legacy scenarios, or for reusing parts of the servlet ecosystem for an app that is committed to running on a servlet container.

def mountServlet(servlet: HttpServlet, urlMapping: String, name: Option[String]): Self

Mounts a servlet to the server.

Mounts a servlet to the server.

The http4s way is to create HttpRoutes, which runs not just on servlet containers, but all supported backends. This method is good for legacy scenarios, or for reusing parts of the servlet ecosystem for an app that is committed to running on a servlet container.

def withServletIo(servletIo: ServletIo[F]): Self

Sets the servlet I/O mode for reads and writes within the servlet. Not to be confused with the server connectors.

Sets the servlet I/O mode for reads and writes within the servlet. Not to be confused with the server connectors.

See also

Inherited methods

def allocated: F[(Server, F[Unit])]

Returns an effect that allocates a backend and an F[Unit] to release it. The returned F waits until the backend is ready to process requests. The second element of the tuple shuts down the backend when run.

Returns an effect that allocates a backend and an F[Unit] to release it. The returned F waits until the backend is ready to process requests. The second element of the tuple shuts down the backend when run.

Unlike resource and stream, there is no automatic release of the backend. This function is intended for REPL sessions, tests, and other situations where composing a cats.effect.Resource or fs2.Stream is not tenable. resource or stream is recommended wherever possible.

Inherited from
def bindAny(host: String): Self
Inherited from
def bindHttp(port: Int, host: String): Self
Inherited from
def bindLocal(port: Int): Self
Inherited from
def bindSocketAddress(socketAddress: InetSocketAddress): Self
Inherited from
def resource: Resource[F, Server]

Returns a Server resource. The resource is not acquired until the server is started and ready to accept requests.

Returns a Server resource. The resource is not acquired until the server is started and ready to accept requests.

Inherited from
def serve: Stream[F, ExitCode]

Runs the server as a process that never emits. Useful for a server that runs for the rest of the JVM's life.

Runs the server as a process that never emits. Useful for a server that runs for the rest of the JVM's life.

Inherited from
def serveWhile(terminateWhenTrue: Signal[F, Boolean], exitWith: Ref[F, ExitCode]): Stream[F, ExitCode]

Runs the server as a Stream that emits only when the terminated signal becomes true. Useful for servers with associated lifetime behaviors.

Runs the server as a Stream that emits only when the terminated signal becomes true. Useful for servers with associated lifetime behaviors.

Inherited from
def stream: Stream[F, Server]

Returns the backend as a single-element stream. The stream does not emit until the backend is ready to process requests. The backend is shut down when the stream is finalized.

Returns the backend as a single-element stream. The stream does not emit until the backend is ready to process requests. The backend is shut down when the stream is finalized.

Inherited from
def withBanner(banner: Seq[String]): Self

Set the banner to display when the server starts up

Set the banner to display when the server starts up

Inherited from
def withServiceErrorHandler(serviceErrorHandler: Request[F] => PartialFunction[Throwable, F[Response[F]]]): Self

Sets the handler for errors thrown invoking the service. Is not guaranteed to be invoked on errors on the server backend, such as parsing a request or handling a context timeout.

Sets the handler for errors thrown invoking the service. Is not guaranteed to be invoked on errors on the server backend, such as parsing a request or handling a context timeout.

Inherited from

Disable the banner when the server starts up

Disable the banner when the server starts up

Inherited from


Inherited implicits

implicit protected
def F: Concurrent[F]
Inherited from