Interface BaseMarshaller<T>

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    EnumMarshaller<E>, MessageMarshaller<T>, RawProtobufMarshaller<T>

    public interface BaseMarshaller<T>
    This is the base interface of the marshaller hierarchy, exposing common methods for identifying the Java and Protobuf types handled by this marshaller instance. The marshaller implementation must be stateless and thread-safe.
    [email protected]
    • Method Detail

      • getJavaClass

        Class<? extends T> getJavaClass()
        Returns the Java type handled by this marshaller. This must not change over multiple invocations.
        the Java type.
      • getTypeName

        String getTypeName()
        Returns the full name of the message or enum type, defined in a proto file. This must not change over multiple invocations.
        the full name of the message or enum type, defined in a proto file.