Interface BaseMarshaller<T>

All Known Subinterfaces:
EnumMarshaller<E>, MessageMarshaller<T>, ProtobufTagMarshaller<T>

public interface BaseMarshaller<T>
This is the base interface of the marshaller hierarchy, exposing common methods for identifying the Java and Protobuf types handled by this marshaller instance. A marshaller handles a single type pair. The marshaller implementation must be stateless and thread-safe.
[email protected]
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Class<? extends T>
    Returns the Java type handled by this marshaller.
    Returns the full name of the message or enum type, defined in a proto file.
  • Method Details

    • getJavaClass

      Class<? extends T> getJavaClass()
      Returns the Java type handled by this marshaller. This must not change over multiple invocations.
      the Java type.
    • getTypeName

      String getTypeName()
      Returns the full name of the message or enum type, defined in a proto file. This must not change over multiple invocations.
      the full name of the message or enum type, defined in a proto file.