Package org.influxdb

Interface InfluxDB

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InfluxDB
extends AutoCloseable
Interface with all available methods to access a InfluxDB database. A full list of currently available interfaces is implemented in: influxdb/influxdb/blob/master/src/api/http/api.go
stefan.majer [at]
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setLogLevel

      InfluxDB setLogLevel​(InfluxDB.LogLevel logLevel)
      Set the loglevel which is used for REST related actions.
      logLevel - the loglevel to set.
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
    • enableGzip

      InfluxDB enableGzip()
      Enable Gzip compress for http request body.
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
    • disableGzip

      InfluxDB disableGzip()
      Disable Gzip compress for http request body.
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
    • isGzipEnabled

      boolean isGzipEnabled()
      Returns whether Gzip compress for http request body is enabled.
      true if gzip is enabled.
    • enableBatch

      InfluxDB enableBatch()
      Enable batching of single Point writes to speed up writes significantly. This is the same as calling InfluxDB.enableBatch(BatchOptions.DEFAULTS)
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
    • enableBatch

      InfluxDB enableBatch​(BatchOptions batchOptions)
      Enable batching of single Point writes to speed up writes significantly. If either number of points written or flushDuration time limit is reached, a batch write is issued. Note that batch processing needs to be explicitly stopped before the application is shutdown. To do so call disableBatch().
      batchOptions - the options to set for batching the writes.
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
    • enableBatch

      InfluxDB enableBatch​(int actions, int flushDuration, TimeUnit flushDurationTimeUnit)
      Enable batching of single Point writes as enableBatch(int, int, TimeUnit, ThreadFactory)} using default thread factory.
      actions - the number of actions to collect
      flushDuration - the time to wait at most.
      flushDurationTimeUnit - the TimeUnit for the given flushDuration.
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
      See Also:
      enableBatch(int, int, TimeUnit, ThreadFactory)
    • enableBatch

      InfluxDB enableBatch​(int actions, int flushDuration, TimeUnit flushDurationTimeUnit, ThreadFactory threadFactory)
      Enable batching of single Point writes as enableBatch(int, int, TimeUnit, ThreadFactory, BiConsumer) using with a exceptionHandler that does nothing.
      actions - the number of actions to collect
      flushDuration - the time to wait at most.
      flushDurationTimeUnit - the TimeUnit for the given flushDuration.
      threadFactory - a ThreadFactory instance to be used.
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
      See Also:
      enableBatch(int, int, TimeUnit, ThreadFactory, BiConsumer)
    • enableBatch

      InfluxDB enableBatch​(int actions, int flushDuration, TimeUnit flushDurationTimeUnit, ThreadFactory threadFactory, BiConsumer<Iterable<Point>,​Throwable> exceptionHandler, InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel consistency)
      Enable batching of single Point writes with consistency set for an entire batch flushDurations is reached first, a batch write is issued. Note that batch processing needs to be explicitly stopped before the application is shutdown. To do so call disableBatch(). Default consistency is ONE.
      actions - the number of actions to collect
      flushDuration - the time to wait at most.
      flushDurationTimeUnit - the TimeUnit for the given flushDuration.
      threadFactory - a ThreadFactory instance to be used.
      exceptionHandler - a consumer function to handle asynchronous errors
      consistency - a consistency setting for batch writes.
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
    • enableBatch

      InfluxDB enableBatch​(int actions, int flushDuration, TimeUnit flushDurationTimeUnit, ThreadFactory threadFactory, BiConsumer<Iterable<Point>,​Throwable> exceptionHandler)
      Enable batching of single Point writes to speed up writes significant. If either actions or flushDurations is reached first, a batch write is issued. Note that batch processing needs to be explicitly stopped before the application is shutdown. To do so call disableBatch().
      actions - the number of actions to collect
      flushDuration - the time to wait at most.
      flushDurationTimeUnit - the TimeUnit for the given flushDuration.
      threadFactory - a ThreadFactory instance to be used.
      exceptionHandler - a consumer function to handle asynchronous errors
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
    • disableBatch

      void disableBatch()
      Disable Batching.
    • isBatchEnabled

      boolean isBatchEnabled()
      Returns whether Batching is enabled.
      true if batch is enabled.
    • ping

      Pong ping()
      Ping this influxDB.
      the response of the ping execution.
    • version

      String version()
      Return the version of the connected influxDB Server.
      the version String, otherwise unknown.
    • write

      void write​(Point point)
      Write a single Point to the default database.
      point - The point to write
    • write

      void write​(String records)
      Write a set of Points to the default database with the string records.
      records - the points in the correct lineprotocol.
    • write

      void write​(List<String> records)
      Write a set of Points to the default database with the list of string records.
      records - the List of points in the correct lineprotocol.
    • write

      void write​(String database, String retentionPolicy, Point point)
      Write a single Point to the database.
      database - the database to write to.
      retentionPolicy - the retentionPolicy to use.
      point - The point to write
    • write

      void write​(int udpPort, Point point)
      Write a single Point to the database through UDP.
      udpPort - the udpPort to write to.
      point - The point to write.
    • write

      void write​(BatchPoints batchPoints)
      Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the new (>= 0.9.0rc32) lineprotocol.
      batchPoints - the points to write in BatchPoints.
      See Also:
    • writeWithRetry

      void writeWithRetry​(BatchPoints batchPoints)
      Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the new (>= 0.9.0rc32) lineprotocol. If batching is enabled with appropriate BatchOptions settings (BatchOptions.bufferLimit greater than BatchOptions.actions) This method will try to retry in case of some recoverable errors. Otherwise it just works as write(BatchPoints)
      batchPoints - the points to write in BatchPoints.
      See Also:
      2696, Retry worth errors
    • write

      void write​(String database, String retentionPolicy, InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel consistency, String records)
      Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the string records.
      database - the name of the database to write
      retentionPolicy - the retentionPolicy to use
      consistency - the ConsistencyLevel to use
      records - the points in the correct lineprotocol.
      See Also:
    • write

      void write​(String database, String retentionPolicy, InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel consistency, TimeUnit precision, String records)
      Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the string records.
      database - the name of the database to write
      retentionPolicy - the retentionPolicy to use
      consistency - the ConsistencyLevel to use
      precision - the time precision to use
      records - the points in the correct lineprotocol.
      See Also:
    • write

      void write​(String database, String retentionPolicy, InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel consistency, List<String> records)
      Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the list of string records.
      database - the name of the database to write
      retentionPolicy - the retentionPolicy to use
      consistency - the ConsistencyLevel to use
      records - the List of points in the correct lineprotocol.
      See Also:
    • write

      void write​(String database, String retentionPolicy, InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel consistency, TimeUnit precision, List<String> records)
      Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the list of string records.
      database - the name of the database to write
      retentionPolicy - the retentionPolicy to use
      consistency - the ConsistencyLevel to use
      precision - the time precision to use
      records - the List of points in the correct lineprotocol.
      See Also:
    • write

      void write​(int udpPort, String records)
      Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the string records through UDP.
      udpPort - the udpPort where influxdb is listening
      records - the content will be encoded by UTF-8 before sent.
    • write

      void write​(int udpPort, List<String> records)
      Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the list of string records through UDP.
      udpPort - the udpPort where influxdb is listening
      records - list of record, the content will be encoded by UTF-8 before sent.
    • query

      QueryResult query​(Query query)
      Execute a query against a database.
      query - the query to execute.
      a List of Series which matched the query.
    • query

      void query​(Query query, Consumer<QueryResult> onSuccess, Consumer<Throwable> onFailure)
      Execute a query against a database. One of the consumers will be executed.
      query - the query to execute.
      onSuccess - the consumer to invoke when result is received
      onFailure - the consumer to invoke when error is thrown
    • query

      void query​(Query query, int chunkSize, Consumer<QueryResult> onNext)
      Execute a streaming query against a database.
      query - the query to execute.
      chunkSize - the number of QueryResults to process in one chunk.
      onNext - the consumer to invoke for each received QueryResult
    • query

      void query​(Query query, int chunkSize, BiConsumer<InfluxDB.Cancellable,​QueryResult> onNext)
      Execute a streaming query against a database.
      query - the query to execute.
      chunkSize - the number of QueryResults to process in one chunk.
      onNext - the consumer to invoke for each received QueryResult; with capability to discontinue a streaming query
    • query

      void query​(Query query, int chunkSize, Consumer<QueryResult> onNext, Runnable onComplete)
      Execute a streaming query against a database.
      query - the query to execute.
      chunkSize - the number of QueryResults to process in one chunk.
      onNext - the consumer to invoke for each received QueryResult
      onComplete - the onComplete to invoke for successfully end of stream
    • query

      void query​(Query query, int chunkSize, BiConsumer<InfluxDB.Cancellable,​QueryResult> onNext, Runnable onComplete)
      Execute a streaming query against a database.
      query - the query to execute.
      chunkSize - the number of QueryResults to process in one chunk.
      onNext - the consumer to invoke for each received QueryResult; with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onComplete - the onComplete to invoke for successfully end of stream
    • query

      void query​(Query query, int chunkSize, BiConsumer<InfluxDB.Cancellable,​QueryResult> onNext, Runnable onComplete, Consumer<Throwable> onFailure)
      Execute a streaming query against a database.
      query - the query to execute.
      chunkSize - the number of QueryResults to process in one chunk.
      onNext - the consumer to invoke for each received QueryResult; with capability to discontinue a streaming query
      onComplete - the onComplete to invoke for successfully end of stream
      onFailure - the consumer for error handling
    • query

      QueryResult query​(Query query, TimeUnit timeUnit)
      Execute a query against a database.
      query - the query to execute.
      timeUnit - the time unit of the results.
      a List of Series which matched the query.
    • createDatabase

      @Deprecated void createDatabase​(String name)
      (since 2.9, removed in 3.0) Use org.influxdb.InfluxDB.query(Query) to execute a parameterized CREATE DATABASE query.
      Create a new Database.
      name - the name of the new database.
    • deleteDatabase

      @Deprecated void deleteDatabase​(String name)
      (since 2.9, removed in 3.0) Use org.influxdb.InfluxDB.query(Query) to execute a DROP DATABASE query.
      Delete a database.
      name - the name of the database to delete.
    • describeDatabases

      @Deprecated List<String> describeDatabases()
      (since 2.9, removed in 3.0) Use org.influxdb.InfluxDB.query(Query) to execute a SHOW DATABASES query.
      Describe all available databases.
      a List of all Database names.
    • databaseExists

      @Deprecated boolean databaseExists​(String name)
      (since 2.9, removed in 3.0) Use org.influxdb.InfluxDB.query(Query) to execute a SHOW DATABASES query and inspect the result.
      Check if a database exists.
      name - the name of the database to search.
      true if the database exists or false if it doesn't exist
    • flush

      void flush()
      Send any buffered points to InfluxDB. This method is synchronous and will block while all pending points are written.
      IllegalStateException - if batching is not enabled.
    • close

      void close()
      close thread for asynchronous batch write and UDP socket to release resources if need.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • setConsistency

      InfluxDB setConsistency​(InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel consistency)
      Set the consistency level which is used for writing points.
      consistency - the consistency level to set.
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
    • setDatabase

      InfluxDB setDatabase​(String database)
      Set the database which is used for writing points.
      database - the database to set.
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
    • setRetentionPolicy

      InfluxDB setRetentionPolicy​(String retentionPolicy)
      Set the retention policy which is used for writing points.
      retentionPolicy - the retention policy to set.
      the InfluxDB instance to be able to use it in a fluent manner.
    • createRetentionPolicy

      @Deprecated void createRetentionPolicy​(String rpName, String database, String duration, String shardDuration, int replicationFactor, boolean isDefault)
      (since 2.9, removed in 3.0) Use org.influxdb.InfluxDB.query(Query) to execute a parameterized CREATE RETENTION POLICY query.
      Creates a retentionPolicy.
      rpName - the name of the retentionPolicy(rp)
      database - the name of the database
      duration - the duration of the rp
      shardDuration - the shardDuration
      replicationFactor - the replicationFactor of the rp
      isDefault - if the rp is the default rp for the database or not
    • createRetentionPolicy

      @Deprecated void createRetentionPolicy​(String rpName, String database, String duration, int replicationFactor, boolean isDefault)
      (since 2.9, removed in 3.0) Use org.influxdb.InfluxDB.query(Query) to execute a parameterized CREATE RETENTION POLICY query.
      Creates a retentionPolicy. (optional shardDuration)
      rpName - the name of the retentionPolicy(rp)
      database - the name of the database
      duration - the duration of the rp
      replicationFactor - the replicationFactor of the rp
      isDefault - if the rp is the default rp for the database or not
    • createRetentionPolicy

      @Deprecated void createRetentionPolicy​(String rpName, String database, String duration, String shardDuration, int replicationFactor)
      (since 2.9, removed in 3.0) Use org.influxdb.InfluxDB.query(Query) to execute a parameterized CREATE RETENTION POLICY query.
      Creates a retentionPolicy. (optional shardDuration and isDefault)
      rpName - the name of the retentionPolicy(rp)
      database - the name of the database
      duration - the duration of the rp
      shardDuration - the shardDuration
      replicationFactor - the replicationFactor of the rp
    • dropRetentionPolicy

      @Deprecated void dropRetentionPolicy​(String rpName, String database)
      (since 2.9, removed in 3.0) Use org.influxdb.InfluxDB.query(Query) to execute a DROP RETENTION POLICY query.
      Drops a retentionPolicy in a database.
      rpName - the name of the retentionPolicy
      database - the name of the database