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actions(int) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.BatchProcessor.Builder
The number of actions after which a batchwrite must be performed.
addField(String, boolean) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point.Builder
addField(String, long) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point.Builder
addField(String, double) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point.Builder
addField(String, Number) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point.Builder
addField(String, String) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point.Builder


BatchPoints - Class in org.influxdb.dto
{Purpose of This Type}.
BatchPoints.Builder - Class in org.influxdb.dto
The Builder to create a new BatchPoints instance.
BatchProcessor - Class in org.influxdb.impl
A BatchProcessor can be attached to a InfluxDB Instance to collect single point writes and aggregates them to BatchPoints to get a better write performance.
BatchProcessor.Builder - Class in org.influxdb.impl
The Builder to create a BatchProcessor instance.
build() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints.Builder
Create a new BatchPoints instance.
build() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point.Builder
Create a new Point.
build() - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.BatchProcessor.Builder
Create the BatchProcessor.
builder(InfluxDB) - Static method in class org.influxdb.impl.BatchProcessor
Static method to create the Builder for this BatchProcessor.
Builder(InfluxDB) - Constructor for class org.influxdb.impl.BatchProcessor.Builder


close() - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
close thread for asynchronous batch write and UDP socket to release resources if need.
close() - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
close thread for asynchronous batch write and UDP socket to release resources if need.
connect(String) - Static method in enum org.influxdb.InfluxDBFactory
Create a connection to a InfluxDB.
connect(String, String, String) - Static method in enum org.influxdb.InfluxDBFactory
Create a connection to a InfluxDB.
connect(String, OkHttpClient.Builder) - Static method in enum org.influxdb.InfluxDBFactory
Create a connection to a InfluxDB.
connect(String, String, String, OkHttpClient.Builder) - Static method in enum org.influxdb.InfluxDBFactory
Create a connection to a InfluxDB.
consistency(InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints.Builder
Set the ConsistencyLevel to use.
createDatabase(String) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
Create a new Database.
createDatabase(String) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Create a new Database.


database(String) - Static method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints
Create a new BatchPoints build to create a new BatchPoints in a fluent manner.
deleteDatabase(String) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
Delete a database.
deleteDatabase(String) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Delete a database.
describeDatabases() - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
Describe all available databases.
describeDatabases() - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Describe all available databases.
disableBatch() - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
disableBatch() - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Disable Batching.
disableGzip() - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
Disable Gzip compress for http request body.
disableGzip() - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Disable Gzip compress for http request body.


enableBatch(int, int, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
enableBatch(int, int, TimeUnit, ThreadFactory) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
enableBatch(int, int, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
enableBatch(int, int, TimeUnit, ThreadFactory) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Enable batching of single Point writes to speed up writes significant.
enableGzip() - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
Enable Gzip compress for http request body.
enableGzip() - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Enable Gzip compress for http request body.
encode(String) - Static method in class org.influxdb.dto.Query
Encode a command into x-www-form-urlencoded format.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Query


field(String, Object) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point.Builder
fields(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point.Builder
Add a Map of fields to this point.
fromInfluxDBTimeFormat(String) - Static method in enum org.influxdb.impl.TimeUtil
convert an influxdb timestamp used by influxdb to unix epoch time.


getColumns() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Series
getCommand() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Query
getCommandWithUrlEncoded() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Query
getConsistency() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints
getDatabase() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints
getDatabase() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Query
getError() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult
getError() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Result
getName() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Series
getPoints() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints
getResponseTime() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Pong
getResults() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult
getRetentionPolicy() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints
getSeries() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Result
getTags() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints
getTags() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Series
getValues() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Series
getVersion() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Pong


hasError() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult
Checks if this QueryResult has an error message.
hasError() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Result
Checks if this Result has an error message.
hashCode() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Query


InfluxDB - Interface in org.influxdb
Interface with all available methods to access a InfluxDB database.
InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel - Enum in org.influxdb
ConsistencyLevel for write Operations.
InfluxDB.LogLevel - Enum in org.influxdb
Controls the level of logging of the REST layer.
InfluxDBFactory - Enum in org.influxdb
A Factory to create a instance of a InfluxDB Database adapter.
InfluxDBImpl - Class in org.influxdb.impl
Implementation of a InluxDB API.
InfluxDBImpl(String, String, String, OkHttpClient.Builder) - Constructor for class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
interval(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.BatchProcessor.Builder
The interval at which at least should issued a write.
isBatchEnabled() - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
isBatchEnabled() - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Returns whether Batching is enabled.
isGzipEnabled() - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
Returns whether Gzip compress for http request body is enabled.
isGzipEnabled() - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Returns whether Gzip compress for http request body is enabled.


lineProtocol() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints
calculate the lineprotocol for all Points.
lineProtocol() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point
calculate the lineprotocol entry for a single Point.


measurement(String) - Static method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point
Create a new Point Build build to create a new Point in a fluent manner.


org.influxdb - package org.influxdb
org.influxdb.dto - package org.influxdb.dto
org.influxdb.impl - package org.influxdb.impl


ping() - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
ping() - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Ping this influxDB.
point(Point) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints.Builder
Add a Point to this set of points.
point(Point) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints
Add a single Point to these batches.
Point - Class in org.influxdb.dto
Representation of a InfluxDB database Point.
Point.Builder - Class in org.influxdb.dto
Builder for a new Point.
points(Point...) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints.Builder
Add a set of Points to this set of points.
Pong - Class in org.influxdb.dto
Representation of the response for a influxdb ping.
Pong() - Constructor for class org.influxdb.dto.Pong


Query - Class in org.influxdb.dto
Represents a Query against Influxdb.
Query(String, String) - Constructor for class org.influxdb.dto.Query
Query(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.influxdb.dto.Query
query(Query) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
Execute a query against a database.
query(Query, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
Execute a query against a database.
query(Query) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Execute a query against a database.
query(Query, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Execute a query against a database.
QueryResult - Class in org.influxdb.dto
{Purpose of This Type}.
QueryResult() - Constructor for class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult
QueryResult.Result - Class in org.influxdb.dto
QueryResult.Series - Class in org.influxdb.dto
queue - Variable in class org.influxdb.impl.BatchProcessor


requiresPost() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Query
Result() - Constructor for class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Result
retentionPolicy(String) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints.Builder
The retentionPolicy to use.


Series() - Constructor for class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Series
setColumns(List<String>) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Series
setError(String) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Result
setError(String) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult
setLogLevel(InfluxDB.LogLevel) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
setLogLevel(InfluxDB.LogLevel) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Set the loglevel which is used for REST related actions.
setName(String) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Series
setResponseTime(long) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Pong
setResults(List<QueryResult.Result>) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult
setSeries(List<QueryResult.Series>) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Result
setTags(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Series
setValues(List<List<Object>>) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Series
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Pong


tag(String, String) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints.Builder
Add a tag to this set of points.
tag(String, String) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point.Builder
Add a tag to this point.
tag(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point.Builder
Add a Map of tags to add to this point.
threadFactory(ThreadFactory) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.BatchProcessor.Builder
time(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point.Builder
Add a time to this point.
TimeUtil - Enum in org.influxdb.impl
Utils for time related methods.
toInfluxDBTimeFormat(long) - Static method in enum org.influxdb.impl.TimeUtil
convert a unix epoch time to timestamp used by influxdb.
toString() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.BatchPoints
toString() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Point
toString() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.Pong
toString() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Result
toString() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult.Series
toString() - Method in class org.influxdb.dto.QueryResult
toTimePrecision(TimeUnit) - Static method in enum org.influxdb.impl.TimeUtil
Convert from a TimeUnit to a influxDB timeunit String.


value() - Method in enum org.influxdb.InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel
Get the String value of the ConsistencyLevel.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.influxdb.impl.TimeUtil
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.influxdb.InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.influxdb.InfluxDB.LogLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.influxdb.InfluxDBFactory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.influxdb.impl.TimeUtil
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.influxdb.InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.influxdb.InfluxDB.LogLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.influxdb.InfluxDBFactory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version() - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
version() - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Return the version of the connected influxDB Server.


write(String, String, Point) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
write(int, Point) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
Write a single Point to the database through UDP.
write(BatchPoints) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
write(String, String, InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel, String) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
write(String, String, InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel, List<String>) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
write(int, String) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the string records through UDP.
write(int, List<String>) - Method in class org.influxdb.impl.InfluxDBImpl
Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the list of string records through UDP.
write(String, String, Point) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Write a single Point to the database.
write(int, Point) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Write a single Point to the database through UDP.
write(BatchPoints) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the new (>= 0.9.0rc32) lineprotocol.
write(String, String, InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel, String) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the string records.
write(String, String, InfluxDB.ConsistencyLevel, List<String>) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the list of string records.
write(int, String) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the string records through UDP.
write(int, List<String>) - Method in interface org.influxdb.InfluxDB
Write a set of Points to the influxdb database with the list of string records through UDP.
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