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object Companion


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open fun canOpenClose(tokens: TokensCache, left: TokensCache.Iterator, right: TokensCache.Iterator, canSplitText: Boolean): <Error class: unknown class><Boolean, Boolean>

Checks if current token can open or close emphasis based on the current delimiter run.

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open fun isPunctuation(info: TokensCache.Iterator, lookup: Int): Boolean
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open fun isWhitespace(info: TokensCache.Iterator, lookup: Int): Boolean
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Receives a list of delimiters collected by scan (contains tokens from all parsers) and creates actual tree nodes from them.

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open override fun scan(tokens: TokensCache, iterator: TokensCache.Iterator, delimiters: MutableList<DelimiterParser.Info>): Int

Finds all tokens that open or close element represented by this parser. Invoked by EmphasisLikeParser.collectDelimiters.