Interface ChartElement

All Known Subinterfaces:
Axis3D, CategoryAxis3D, CategoryRenderer3D, Marker, Plot3D, Renderer3D, ValueAxis3D, ValueMarker, XYZRenderer
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAxis3D, AbstractCategoryRenderer3D, AbstractMarker, AbstractPlot3D, AbstractRenderer3D, AbstractValueAxis3D, AbstractXYZRenderer, AreaRenderer3D, BarRenderer3D, BarXYZRenderer, CategoryMarker, CategoryPlot3D, Chart3D, LineRenderer3D, LineXYZRenderer, LogAxis3D, NumberAxis3D, NumberMarker, PiePlot3D, RangeMarker, ScatterXYZRenderer, StackedBarRenderer3D, StandardCategoryAxis3D, SurfaceRenderer, XYZPlot

public interface ChartElement
A chart element used to implement the Visitor pattern for applying changes to the chart. This is used by the chart styling feature.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void receive​(ChartElementVisitor visitor)
    Receives a visitor to the element.
  • Method Details

    • receive

      void receive​(ChartElementVisitor visitor)
      Receives a visitor to the element.
      visitor - the visitor (null not permitted).