Class BackgroundJobServerConfiguration

  • public class BackgroundJobServerConfiguration
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class allows to configure the BackgroundJobServer
    • Method Detail

      • usingStandardBackgroundJobServerConfiguration

        public static BackgroundJobServerConfiguration usingStandardBackgroundJobServerConfiguration()
        This returns the default configuration with the BackgroundJobServer with a poll interval of 15 seconds and a worker count based on the CPU
        the default JobRunrDashboard configuration
      • andPollIntervalInSeconds

        public BackgroundJobServerConfiguration andPollIntervalInSeconds​(int pollIntervalInSeconds)
        Allows to set the pollIntervalInSeconds for the BackgroundJobServer
        pollIntervalInSeconds - the pollIntervalInSeconds
        the same configuration instance which provides a fluent api
      • andWorkerCount

        public BackgroundJobServerConfiguration andWorkerCount​(int workerCount)
        Allows to set the workerCount for the BackgroundJobServer which defines the maximum number of jobs that will be run in parallel
        workerCount - the workerCount for the BackgroundJobServer
        the same configuration instance which provides a fluent api