Class JobRunrDashboardWebServerConfiguration

  • public class JobRunrDashboardWebServerConfiguration
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class allows to configure the JobRunrDashboard
    • Method Detail

      • usingStandardDashboardConfiguration

        public static JobRunrDashboardWebServerConfiguration usingStandardDashboardConfiguration()
        This returns the default configuration with the JobRunrDashboard running on port 8000
        the default JobRunrDashboard configuration
      • andPort

        public JobRunrDashboardWebServerConfiguration andPort​(int port)
        Specifies the port on which the JobRunrDashboard will run
        port - the port on which the JobRunrDashboard will run
        the same configuration instance which provides a fluent api
      • andBasicAuthentication

        public JobRunrDashboardWebServerConfiguration andBasicAuthentication​(java.lang.String username,
                                                                             java.lang.String password)
        Adds basic authentication to the dashboard using the provided username and password. WARNING the password will be stored in clear text and if you are using http, it can be easily intercepted.
        username - the login which the JobRunrDashboard will ask
        password - the password which the JobRunrDashboard will ask
        the same configuration instance which provides a fluent api