Interface JobLambdaFromStream<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The item returned by the Stream
All Superinterfaces:
JobRunrJob, Serializable
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface JobLambdaFromStream<T> extends JobRunrJob
This is a functional interface which allows you to schedule jobs based on a Stream and a lambda that will be parsed by JobRunr. You may not create an actual instance of this class, instead you use it as follows:

     MyService myService;

     Stream<User> userStream = userRepository.getAllUsers();
     BackgroundJob.enqueue(userStream, (user) -> myService.doWork("do some work for user " + user.getId()));


      MyService myService;

      Stream<User> userStream = userRepository.getAllUsers();
      jobScheduler.enqueue(userStream, (user) -> myService.doWork("do some work for user " + user.getId()));

This functional interface allows you to enqueue background jobs for each item in the stream while having an actual instance available of your service. While processing, JobRunr will lookup the actual service in the IoC container or create a new instance using the default constructor.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    accept(T item)