Interface DisplayNameGenerator

    • Method Detail

      • generateDisplayNameForClass

        java.lang.String generateDisplayNameForClass​(java.lang.Class<?> testClass)
        Generate a display name for the given top-level or static nested test class.
        testClass - the class to generate a name for; never null
        the display name for the class; never null or blank
      • generateDisplayNameForNestedClass

        java.lang.String generateDisplayNameForNestedClass​(java.lang.Class<?> nestedClass)
        Generate a display name for the given @Nested inner test class.
        nestedClass - the class to generate a name for; never null
        the display name for the nested class; never null or blank
      • generateDisplayNameForMethod

        java.lang.String generateDisplayNameForMethod​(java.lang.Class<?> testClass,
                                                      java.lang.reflect.Method testMethod)
        Generate a display name for the given method.
        testClass - the class the test method is invoked on; never null
        testMethod - method to generate a display name for; never null
        the display name for the test; never null or blank
        Implementation Note:
        The class instance supplied as testClass may differ from the class returned by testMethod.getDeclaringClass() — for example, when a test method is inherited from a superclass.
      • parameterTypesAsString

        static java.lang.String parameterTypesAsString​(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
        Generate a string representation of the formal parameters of the supplied method, consisting of the simple names of the parameter types, separated by commas, and enclosed in parentheses.
        method - the method from to extract the parameter types from; never null
        a string representation of all parameter types of the supplied method or "()" if the method declares no parameters
      • getDisplayNameGenerator

        static DisplayNameGenerator getDisplayNameGenerator​(java.lang.Class<?> generatorClass)
        Return the DisplayNameGenerator instance corresponding to the given Class.
        generatorClass - the generator's Class; never null, has to be a DisplayNameGenerator implementation
        a DisplayNameGenerator implementation instance