Class DynamicTest

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static DynamicTest dynamicTest​(java.lang.String displayName, testSourceUri, Executable executable)
      Factory for creating a new DynamicTest for the supplied display name, custom test source URI, and executable code block.
      static DynamicTest dynamicTest​(java.lang.String displayName, Executable executable)
      Factory for creating a new DynamicTest for the supplied display name and executable code block.
      Executable getExecutable()
      Get the executable code block associated with this DynamicTest.
      static <T><DynamicTest> stream​(java.util.Iterator<T> inputGenerator, java.util.function.Function<? super T,​java.lang.String> displayNameGenerator, ThrowingConsumer<? super T> testExecutor)
      Generate a stream of dynamic tests based on the given generator and test executor.
      static <T><DynamicTest> stream​(<T> inputStream, java.util.function.Function<? super T,​java.lang.String> displayNameGenerator, ThrowingConsumer<? super T> testExecutor)
      Generate a stream of dynamic tests based on the given input stream and test executor.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • dynamicTest

        public static DynamicTest dynamicTest​(java.lang.String displayName,
                                              Executable executable)
        Factory for creating a new DynamicTest for the supplied display name and executable code block.
        displayName - the display name for the dynamic test; never null or blank
        executable - the executable code block for the dynamic test; never null
        See Also:
        stream(Iterator, Function, ThrowingConsumer)
      • dynamicTest

        public static DynamicTest dynamicTest​(java.lang.String displayName,
                                              Executable executable)
        Factory for creating a new DynamicTest for the supplied display name, custom test source URI, and executable code block.
        displayName - the display name for the dynamic test; never null or blank
        testSourceUri - a custom test source URI for the dynamic test; may be null if the framework should generate the test source based on the @TestFactory method
        executable - the executable code block for the dynamic test; never null
        See Also:
        stream(Iterator, Function, ThrowingConsumer)
      • stream

        public static <T><DynamicTest> stream​(java.util.Iterator<T> inputGenerator,
                                                                      java.util.function.Function<? super T,​java.lang.String> displayNameGenerator,
                                                                      ThrowingConsumer<? super T> testExecutor)
        Generate a stream of dynamic tests based on the given generator and test executor.

        Use this method when the set of dynamic tests is nondeterministic in nature or when the input comes from an existing Iterator. See stream(Stream, Function, ThrowingConsumer) as an alternative.

        The given inputGenerator is responsible for generating input values. A DynamicTest will be added to the resulting stream for each dynamically generated input value, using the given displayNameGenerator and testExecutor.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of input generated by the inputGenerator and used by the displayNameGenerator and testExecutor
        inputGenerator - an Iterator that serves as a dynamic input generator; never null
        displayNameGenerator - a function that generates a display name based on an input value; never null
        testExecutor - a consumer that executes a test based on an input value; never null
        a stream of dynamic tests based on the given generator and executor; never null
        See Also:
        dynamicTest(String, Executable), stream(Stream, Function, ThrowingConsumer)
      • stream

        public static <T><DynamicTest> stream​(<T> inputStream,
                                                                      java.util.function.Function<? super T,​java.lang.String> displayNameGenerator,
                                                                      ThrowingConsumer<? super T> testExecutor)
        Generate a stream of dynamic tests based on the given input stream and test executor.

        Use this method when the set of dynamic tests is nondeterministic in nature or when the input comes from an existing Stream. See stream(Iterator, Function, ThrowingConsumer) as an alternative.

        The given inputStream is responsible for supplying input values. A DynamicTest will be added to the resulting stream for each dynamically supplied input value, using the given displayNameGenerator and testExecutor.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of input supplied by the inputStream and used by the displayNameGenerator and testExecutor
        inputStream - a Stream that supplies dynamic input values; never null
        displayNameGenerator - a function that generates a display name based on an input value; never null
        testExecutor - a consumer that executes a test based on an input value; never null
        a stream of dynamic tests based on the given generator and executor; never null
        See Also:
        dynamicTest(String, Executable), stream(Iterator, Function, ThrowingConsumer)
      • getExecutable

        public Executable getExecutable()
        Get the executable code block associated with this DynamicTest.