Package org.lmdbjava

Interface MaskedFlag

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getMask()
      Obtains the integer value for this enum which can be included in a mask.
      static boolean isSet​(int flags, MaskedFlag test)
      Indicates whether the passed flag has the relevant masked flag high.
      static int mask​(MaskedFlag... flags)
      Fetch the integer mask for all presented flags.
    • Method Detail

      • getMask

        int getMask()
        Obtains the integer value for this enum which can be included in a mask.
        the integer value for combination into a mask
      • mask

        static int mask​(MaskedFlag... flags)
        Fetch the integer mask for all presented flags.
        flags - to mask (null or empty returns zero)
        the integer mask for use in C
      • isSet

        static boolean isSet​(int flags,
                             MaskedFlag test)
        Indicates whether the passed flag has the relevant masked flag high.
        flags - to evaluate (usually produced by mask(org.lmdbjava.MaskedFlag...)
        test - the flag being sought (required)
        true if set.