
object Pretty
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class Params(verbosity: Int)

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(f: Params => String): Pretty
def break(s: String, lead: String, length: Int): String

Break a long string across lines.

Break a long string across lines.

This method will wrap the given string at length characters, inserting newlines and an optional prefix (lead) on every line other than the first.

All lines in the resulting string are guaranteed to be length or shorter.

We require lead.length < length; otherwise it would be impossible to legally wrap lines.

def format(s: String, lead: String, trail: String, width: Int): String
def pad(s: String, c: Char, length: Int): String
def pretty[T](t: T, prms: Params)(implicit ev: T => Pretty): String
def pretty[T](t: T)(implicit ev: T => Pretty): String
def prettyArgs(args: Seq[Arg[Any]]): Pretty
def prettyTime(millis: Long): String

Concrete fields



implicit def prettyAny(t: Any): Pretty
implicit def prettyFreqMap(fm: FreqMap[Set[Any]]): Pretty
implicit def prettyList(l: List[Any]): Pretty
implicit def prettyString(t: String): Pretty
implicit def prettyTestParams(prms: Parameters): Pretty
implicit def prettyTestRes(res: Result): Pretty
implicit def prettyThrowable(e: Throwable): Pretty